Jewish Comedian Pushes Degeneracy and Feminism, Attacks Trump

Daily Stormer
December 12, 2016


Ugh! We get it, you’re Jewish. Do you need to be so obnoxious about it, too?

Everyone knows women aren’t funny.

But there is one exception to this rule: Jewish feminist sluts who make poop jokes.

We can never have enough of those.


Ask around about the funniest feminist comedians working today, and a couple of names are bound to come up. Amy Schumer. Sarah Silverman. Leslie Jones. You can add a new name to that list: Lynn Bixenspan. The Long-Island-born, New-York based stand-up comedian, writer, and social media personality is making a name for herself as one of the funniest women working in comedy today. I sat down with her to talk about Twitter trolls, being a feminist, and of course, the reality of being a liberal voice in Donald Trump’s America.


Thanks for the info, Lynn.

Huh, that’s strange. It’s like all these feminist “comedians” all have something in common.

Yeah, they’re all Jews. Except Leslie Jones, who’s Harambe’s twin sister.


Can gorillas be Jewish? It’s a legitimate question.

This isn’t especially surprising, considering that basically all the significant women pushing feminism have been Jewish as well.


These days, it’s hard to get by as a “creative” just doing one thing; you have to put yourself out there in a variety of different formats. For Lynn, that means she’s about more than just stand-up comedy. She’s a writer for various comedy outlets, including The Comedy Show. She turns up on podcasts, perhaps most famously the Relationsh*t podcast, where comics – and a real therapist – dole out “brutally honest” advice. And Lynn has made Twitter her own. She uses it to share clever bons mot, hers and her own, delivering relevant and sometimes biting humor in 140 characters or less.

This is the tweets they furnish as an example of this “relevant and biting humor.”

“Haha, isn’t it funny, I’m waiting until my ovaries are all dried up before having children!”

And of course, fecal references, the staple of any Jewish “comedian.”

This is a professional writer for a comedy show on television?

Random alt-right twitter trolls have way better material than this affirmative action Jewish hire.

And then there was that time she trolled Donald Trump, Jr. back in 2013. This was years before the elder Trump became a national political joke, of course, but still.

Wow, this is hardcore trolling! This Jew could really teach us Nazi trolls a thing or two, right?

If this is all the trolling power our enemies can muster, we don’t have much to worry about. Pay attention, Jews, this is how you do trolling:


Get back to us once your trolling gets articles published in the NYT and WaPo.

Lynn’s Twitter shenanigans are, of course, cheeky and fun. But as a woman working in a sometimes-brutal industry – an outspoken feminist woman, at that – she’s more than aware of the dark side of Twitter. Trolls, emboldened by anonymity that social media provides, seem to take special pleasure in harassing women on social media, for no other reason than being women. More than one woman has been the target of vicious assaults on Twitter, like Leslie Jones.

And now that Donald Trump is about to become President, she’s concerned that it’s about to get worse.

First off, yes, it’s going to get worse. Much, much worse.

Second, trolls aren’t attacking Jones because she’s a woman.


You call this a woman? You need to visit an optician.

They’re attacking her because she’s being shoved down our throat as a supposedly “funny” woman, while she’s not funny at all. Also, because she was a part of a deplorable attack on our childhood memories (the new “Ghostbusters” film).

And third, if you think comedy is a “brutal industry,” wait until you experience your next career – as a kapo.

Fortunately, Lynn hasn’t yet experienced that, personally, although she’s sure her day will come.

Yeah, I’m also sure about that.

In fact, it’s very likely the readers of this site will want to explain to her how inappropriate it is to push degeneracy under the auspices of a “holiday celebration.”

Better to be hassled by a hater on social media than in person, however. And with Trump within spitting distance of the White House, people have been hassling performers for their anti-Trump jokes. Or for their jokes in general, if they’re of a liberal bent. Even in true-blue New York.

I’ve always done feminist, liberal material, and I guess there is a part of me that tightens up and gets nervous. I’ve been hearing about comics in New York City, and people have been just getting up and walking out.

Yeah, people are getting pretty fed up with your feminist sluttery. I mean, can you imagine trying to enjoy your night at a comedy club and then, out of nowhere, being subjected to this kind of abuse:

“Who won the superbowl? The patriarchy.”

Top notch humor there, Lynn. And superb delivery as well – wow.

I can see why they’d hire you to write for a television program now.

It hasn’t happened to Lynn – yet. But she tells me that she’s performed in the South, and there have been a few… let’s not call them “haters,” let’s just say, “dislikers,” who wanted to have a word with her after her act.

In case you want to have a word with her, you can contact this brilliant comedian on twitter at @lynnbixenspann.