Jewish #Pissgate Peddler Admits the Document’s Claims are “Likely False”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2018

Michael Isikoff

As it turns out, the “dirty dossier,” also known as “Pissgate,” can never be proven, according to a key Jew who helped the FBI spread the hoax material.

The first sign that this was a hoax – aside from the fact that it was retarded – should have been that it was a Jew selling it.

Even if you are not an “anti-Semite,” you should be able to recognize the objective reality that virtually every single thing a Jew says is a lie.

Fox News:

The salacious and unverified opposition research dossier cited by the FBI as its main justification to surveil a top Trump aide contains many claims that are “likely false,” according to the Yahoo News reporter who was among the first to break the news of the dossier’s existence.

Michael Isikoff’s statements on John Ziegler’s Free Speech Broadcasting podcast came a day before Michael Cohen adviser Lanny Davis reiterated that Cohen has never been to Prague — where, according to the dossier, he traveled to arrange a payment to Russian hackers during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The dossier was created by British ex-spy Christopher Steele and funded by the firm Fusion GPS — which was retained by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

“In broad strokes, Christopher Steele was clearly onto something, that there was a major Kremlin effort to interfere in our elections, that they were trying to help Trump’s campaign, and that there was multiple contacts between various Russian figures close to the government and various people in Trump’s campaign,” Isikoff said.

But he added: “When you actually get into the details of the Steele dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them, and, in fact, there’s good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false.

On four occasions, the FBI told the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) court that it “did not believe” Steele was the direct source for Isikoff’s Sept. 23, 2016 Yahoo News article implicating former Trump aide Carter Page in Russian collusion.

Instead, the FBI suggested to the court, the article by Michael Isikoff was independent corroboration of the salacious, unverified allegations against Trump in the infamous Steele dossier. Federal authorities used both the Steele dossier and Yahoo News article to convince the FISA court to authorize a surveillance warrant for Page.

But London court records show that contrary to the FBI’s assessments, Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS — the opposition research firm behind the dossier. The revelations were contained heavily-redacted documents released earlier this year after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the organization Judicial Watch.

“The FBI does not believe that Source #1 [Steele] directly provided this information to the identified news organization that published the September 23rd News Article,” the FBI stated in one of the released FISA documents. “Source #1 told the FBI that he/she only provided this information to the business associate and the FBI.”

The documents describe Source #1 as someone “hired by a business associate to conduct research” into Trump’s Russia ties — but do not mention that Fusion GPS was funded by the DNC and Clinton campaign.

Instead, the documents say only: “The FBI speculates that the identified U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit [Trump’s] campaign.” Fox News believes that the U.S. person is Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS.

Fox News reported in August that embattled Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had contact in 2016 with then-colleague Andrew Weissmann, who is now a top Mueller deputy, as well as other senior FBI officials about the controversial anti-Trump dossier and the individuals behind it.

The sources said Ohr’s outreach about the dossier – as well as Steele; the opposition research firm behind it, Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS; and his wife Nellie Ohr’s work for Fusion – occurred before and after the FBI fired Steele as a source over his media contacts. Ohr’s network of contacts on the dossier included: anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok; former FBI lawyer Lisa Page; former deputy director Andrew McCabe; Weissmann and at least one other DOJ official; and a current FBI agent who worked with Strzok on the Russia case.

Weissmann was kept “in the loop” on the dossier, a source said, while he was chief of the criminal fraud division. He is now assigned to Mueller’s team.

Ohr’s broad circle of contacts indicates members of FBI leadership knew about his backchannel activities regarding the dossier and Steele.

Congressional Republicans are still trying to get to the bottom of Ohr’s role in circulating the unverified dossier, which became a critical piece of evidence in obtaining a surveillance warrant for Page in October 2016.

This is the most incestious Jewish mess.

The entire Mueller inquiry was based on the claims of James Comey that Pissgate was real, even though Comey at the time knew it wasn’t real, and has admitted this to Congress. This was after he had based the entire spy operation on the Trump administration on this document.

James Comey and Rod Rosenstein

Bruce Ohr was working at the Justice Department and working directly with HIS OWN WIFE Nellie Ohr who worked at Fusion GPS to produce this document.

Bruce and Nellie Ohr

The Jew Andrew Weissmann was also working at the Justice Department, and consulted Ohr on producing this document, and he is now the chief prosecutor for Mueller.

Andrew Weissmann

I understand that this gets a little bit confusing, but here’s the story:

  • Obama and co. wanted to spy on Trump during the campaign to try to find some dirt
  • Hillary Clinton had been funding a fake “opposition research” document through Fusion GPS
  • A key figure at Fusion GPS was married to a key Justice Department official
  • James Comey and Rod Rosenstein knew that the document was paid for by Hillary Clinton, knew it was not real, and yet used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, and through him the entire Trump team
  • As secondary proof, there was a Yahoo! News article by the Jew Isikoff that said the same things as the Steele Dossier, which had been given to him by Fusion GPS
  • Bruce Ohr, whose wife helped put the document together, vouched for its veracity
  • The Jew Weissmann, who was also aware that the document was fake and was working with the Ohrs to produce it, also vouched for its authenticity
  • After Comey was fired, he cited the document again, and Rosenstein, who also knew the document was fake and was with Comey signing off on it being used the first time, used it again to appoint the special counsel
  • Mueller’s team was then filled with people like Lisa Page, Peter Strzok (lovers who worked at the FBI trying to stop Trump from being elected) and Andrew Weissmann (Jew Justice Department official who helped create Pissgate)

If that all seems incredibly goofy, that is because it is.

None of these people ever expected any of this to become public, so they didn’t really bother doing a very good job with the conspiracy.

But now, it is all out there in the public, shown to be a total hoax from start to finish, meaning that by rights, the entire Mueller probe should be thrown out, and any sentence that has resulted from this investigation vacated.

But instead, this train just keeps on rolling. Even though no one denies any of what I just said – this is all on public record.

Understand that much of why this is allowed to continue on like this is because no media is really covering it. Fox News will report it, but they fail to attach the gravity that is implied by it.

The Daily Stormer has been one of the best sites covering this, which is yet another reason why so much has been done to silence us.