Jews Claim That a Man Who Wanted to Kill Six Million People was a Hero

Diversity Macht Frei
April 16, 2018

The story of murderous Jews who tried to poison Germans after the war is by now familiar. This would-be “revenge” group was founded by Abba Kovner.

Kovner’s desire for revenge became all-consuming and he began penning a plan for action. It was then that Kovner founded a secret organization of likeminded people called Nakam (“revenge”).

“… We have taken it upon ourselves not to let the world forget by performing the necessary act: Retribution. It will be more than revenge; it must be the law of the murdered Jewish people! Its name will therefore be DIN [the acronym of Dam Israel Noter, means the blood of Israel is vengeful – and “din” itself means “judgement”] so that posterity may know that in this merciless, uncompassionate world there are both judge and judgement.”

The ultimate plan for revenge? To kill six million Germans.

Kovner’s grand plan to poison a German reservoir never did come to pass, but in the spring of 1946, the Nakam group poisoned bread meant to feed S.S. Unit prisoners in Stalag 13 in Nuremberg, which was under American authority at the time. The Nakam group infiltrated the kitchens of the POW camp and brushed 3,000 loafs of bread with arsenic.


There is probably as much truth to this tale as there is to most other aspects of the Jewish historical narrative, which is to say little or none.

What is both real, and fascinating in its implications, however, is that present-day Jews consider this would-be murderer of 6 million people a “hero”.

In the decades following the Holocaust and the founding of Nakam, Kovner settled in Israel, married Vitka Kempner, published poetry in Yiddish and Hebrew, was a founding member of the Museum of the Jewish People, and was awarded several prizes for his work and legacy, among them the Israel Prize.

It seems many Jews believe their own over-wrought victimhood narratives, creating a desire for vengeance even for imaginary wrongs. This unsatisfied yearning expresses itself in a constant enmity towards the peoples they live among. But which came first, the enmity or the sense of victimhood? It could very well be that Jews invent their fables of victimhood to justify their malice towards the rest of mankind.