Jews Continue Assault on Poland, Accuse Them of Even More Fake Holodeaths

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 13, 2018

Jews have been repeatedly kicked out of countries. Countries that they had been in for a while. Where they had run their schemes, made their money, done their Jew thing for decades or even centuries.

But they eventually get kicked out.

The reason is that they have a total inability to know when enough is enough, when they’ve gone far enough, so they always continue to push.

That is what they are presently doing to Poland.

Pushing them over the edge.

They are buttmad at anti-Semitism, as well as the Polish refusal to Islamize and teach analism to their children, so they are coming down way, way too hard.

And there may well be a backlash coming.

Jerusalem Post:

According to new research done in Poland, two thirds of the local Jews who hid there from the Nazis did not survive the war, mostly because of the actions of their non-Jewish neighbors.

The figure comes from a two-volume work of 1,600 pages that historians from the Warsaw-based Center for Research on Holocaust of Jews have compiled over the past five years. It covers nine out of Poland’s 13 regions, the Tok FM radio station reported Sunday.

Arriving amid a polarizing debate in Poland over a law that limits rhetoric on Polish complicity in the Holocaust, the study suggests Poles are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths by Jews in the Holocaust — a figure that is significantly higher than previous estimates.

The findings of the research were published earlier this year in a Polish-language book titled “The Fate of the Jews in Selected Regions of Occupied Poland.” They pertain to the fate of more than one million Jews who went underground to avoid being killed in Operation Reinhard — Nazi Germany’s campaign of annihilation of 3.3 million Jews in occupied Poland.

According to Polish Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich, no more than 2,500 Jews died at the hands of Poles during the Holocaust or immediately after it. Efraim Zuroff, Eastern Europe director for the Simon Wiesenthal has disputed Schudrich’s estimate: He believes the correct figure is “many thousands” of people, including in at least 15 towns and cities in eastern Poland, where non-Jews butchered their Jewish neighbors.

But if the new study in Poland is correct, then those estimates are just a fraction of a tally of well over half a million Jewish Holocaust victims who died as a result of the actions of non-Jewish Poles.

The issue of Polish complicity in the Holocaust is highly controversial in Poland, where the Nazis killed three million non-Jews in addition to about four million Jews. In January, the right-wing government passed a law criminalizing blaming Poland for Nazi crimes. Protests by Israel, the United States and Jewish groups over this law prompted what observers say is a wave of anti-Semitic hatred with unprecedented intensity since the fall of communism in Poland.

Historically, the alleged Holocaust was entirely blamed on Germany. This idea that “oh well – Poland also did it” is new. Scholars started making the claim in the last 15 years, but they only really started pushing it as this big public issue in the media and throwing it at the Polish government in the last couple of years.

In response to this, Poland recently passed a law saying that it is illegal to blame Poland for the crimes of Germany.

So the Jews are responding to that with this new thing – “OH NOW LOOK AT THIS – 75 YEARS LATER WE’RE LEARNING THAT POLES KILLED WAY MORE JEWS THAN WE PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT!!!!111”

I have continually said instead of passing the law saying Poles couldn’t be blamed for the Holocaust, they should have just repealed Holocaust denial laws, and opened up Auschwitz and the other camps – every alleged “death camp” is in Poland – for critical researchers to come look at. See if we can dig up these six million disappearing Jews.

I know that the Holocaust is a big part of Polish history too, but they don’t gain anything from it. They can still talk about how Germans killed Poles, and that is actually true.

It would be a bold move to repeal the denial laws, and I doubt it could actually happen in real life. Hell would come down on them. But they could start talking about doing it. That would be very interesting.

The mask would begin to slip…

You can do it, Poland.

You have the power.

At the very least, continued attacks on the Poles are rapidly raising general levels of anti-Semitism there and elsewhere – and that’s always a good thing.