Jews Say NYC Now Like 1930s Nazi Germany

Pro-Palestinian activist

People don’t think pro-Palestine protesters are Hitler.

But they do be.

New York Post:

Jewish leaders made clear that escalating antisemitism in New York is reaching a breaking point – with some comparing the city to the 1930s and the rise of Nazism.

On Wednesday morning, hateful vandals splattered red paint on the home of the Brooklyn Museum director and Jewish board members.

At least two homes were also daubed with a red triangle symbol that Hamas uses to denote targets marked for death.

“You let people spray paint the homes of residents because they sit on the board of the Brooklyn Museum. What does it lead to? This is what the Nazis did in the 1930s,” said Michael Nussbaum, former president of the Queens Jewish Community Council.

Mark Treyger, the head of the Jewish Community Relations Council, called the antisemitism in New York a “crisis” and “emergency.”

We are experiencing and seeing the Nazi playbook come to life in 2024,” Treyger told The Post.

Brooklyn Councilwoman Inna Vernikov, a Republican who is Jewish, said the city hit a “crisis point for antisemitism a long time ago.”

Protesters are chanting `No Zionists.’ That means no Jews,” Vernikov said. “Jews are going to leave New York.”

Someone who is watching the Jews claim to be victims while slaughtering children needs to ask about what exactly the Jews were doing in Germany when they claimed to be victims there.

They might get an interesting answer.