Jews Shouldn’t Threaten ICC, Say 93 States

The argument in favor of supporting allowing Jews to issue threats and sanctions against the ICC is that the concept of an international court intervening in world affairs is illegitimate in the first place.

Why then does the US government fund this court?

All of these people heaped praise on this court for issuing a warrant against Putin (who was charged with illegally taking children outside of a warzone to safety – they didn’t even claim it was turning them into slaves or anything, they just said you should leave children to die in a warzone).

The Guardian:

The international criminal court must be allowed to carry out its work “without intimidation”, a group of 93 states has said in a significant public intervention intended to reinforce support for the judicial body.

In a joint statement issued late on Friday, the large group of ICC member states vowed to defend the institution and “preserve its integrity from any political interference and pressure against the court, its officials and those cooperating with it”.

The show of unity for the court and its staff comes in the wake of revelations published by the Guardian about efforts by Israel and its intelligence agencies to undermine, influence and intimidate the court as part of a nine-year campaign of surveillance and espionage.

See: Mossad Director Stalked and Hunted Noble ICC Negress Threatening and Intimidating Her Black Ass, The Guardian Reveals

It also follows recent warnings by the office of the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, that it has been subjected to “several forms of threats” and hostile intelligence activity apparently intended to interfere with and improperly influence the prosecutor’s work.

Last month, Khan announced that he has filed applications for arrest warrants against senior Hamas and Israeli officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity, which he alleged had been committed during Hamas’s 7 October attack and the ensuing war in Gaza.

The statement supporting the ICC was drafted by five of the court’s member states – Belgium, Chile, Jordan, Senegal and Slovenia – and is understood to have been presented to the rest of the court’s state parties last week for their endorsement.

A diplomatic source familiar with the effort said the disclosures about Israeli intelligence operations against the court had been “really eye-opening for a lot of diplomats” and “made some realise that it’s time to put out some sort of statement from the states that belong to the court responding to what has now come to light”.

Israel does intelligence operations against everyone.

Harvey Weinstein had Mossad going around threatening women who were going to say bad things about him in public (which was the only real crime he ever committed, though of course he was not charged with that, because it’s legal for the Mossad to do anything in America).