Jews View All European Goys as Christians, And I’ll Tell You Why

The Right Stuff
October 18, 2016

In Week 55 of Fash The Nation, Jazzhands brought up that article Ethan Jacobs wrote (archived), in which he claimed in his analysis of the Alt-Right that, among other things, membership into the Alt-Right is reserved entirely for White Christian Men.

Unsurprisingly, Jazzhands spent some time unpacking this false assumption, and slinging mud at Ethan for being a low-agency Jew who generally didn’t do the research he claims (or implies) he did. He then concluded by theorizing that the left is simply trying to compartmentalize us so they can label us with an eye towards marginalizing and smearing.


Pictured: A (((freelance writer and political opinionist))).

However, interestingly enough, this isn’t actually as straightforward an issue as it seems. I know this, because I happen to work with some Jews, and I know their thought patterns and how they look at the world. Jews in general see all Anglo-Germanic white people as being Christian, no matter what they happen to personally believe in or profess to. So Ethan Jacobs is not wrong. He is just being a Jew.

But why, exactly, do Jews see white people in the West as just being Christian? Is it simply a generalization? Is it a smear tactic, as Jazzhands hypothesized? Is it misinformation? Base laziness? Or maybe it is just a lack of concern about the facts regarding the goyim? I will refrain from saying it is not any of those things, because they honestly are probably contributing factors.

There are actually two main reasons the Jews view all Anglo-Germanic whites as being Christians, and I will explain them both. It will shed some light on why Jews like Ethan Jacobs do and say the things they do. There is a rationale to it, and a purpose behind it. And unsurprisingly, it is not a nice one.

The first reason is a simple and profound one. Jews see us as a reflection of themselves. It should not be news to anyone that the way an individual views the world is impacted strongly by their own experiences and worldview. No one is capable of truly being completely objective, since everything we see and do is tainted by our own experiences, thoughts, and emotions. The entire purpose of the scientific method is to help us be objective, because being objective is not our default state.

As a result, we tend to see things from our own experiences in the things around us, and we see parts of ourselves in the people we know. This is simply the brain using what it already knows to process new information more efficiently, and it is an entirely natural and normal behavior.

This is relevant because on a very basic level, the Jews see the world differently than we do, because they are Jews. They ascribe some of their own characteristics to us as they observe us and try to understand us, the most important being the diaspora.

To the Jew, ideology, religion, blood, political affiliations, and even culture are all interchangeable. An atheistic militant Anarcho-Communist Jew with generations of pure Serbian blood on his father’s side and the thinnest of Jewish blood on his mother’s side is seen as no less of a Jew than a devout Orthodox Jew pacifist from New Jersey whose mother and father are both Jewish back a dozen generations. Strictly speaking, these two Jews have nothing in common whatsoever, except for the fact that they will see both of each other as being Jews and will behave and treat one another as if they were both Jews.

This is because, to the Jew, Jewishness is a divine state that transcends everything else. They track Jewish blood through the maternal line, not the paternal, which gives Jewish blood an infinite capacity to be diluted. So while Jews are a “race,” that race is itself open to being infinitely changed and altered, as long as the sequence in which it was changed follows down from mother to daughter. So strictly speaking, any two given Jews do not even have to be members of the same race by the standards of science to still be seen as blood Jews by the Jews themselves.

We see this in our own observations of Jews, and comment on it often as their ability to “shapeshift.” One moment they are a religion, in another moment they are a racial minority, and in yet another they are simply Yet Another H’wyte Person, whichever happens to be more convenient to them.

To us, this seems like an endless sequence of flip-flopping. To the Jew, they remain perfectly consistent, because what makes them Jews to them is not something confined to merely being a set of beliefs or even a specific type of blood. To be a Jew is to be Chosen, and it supersedes everything else.

That is the diaspora.

And they, correctly, assign this status to us as well.

It seems strange for us to think of it in such a way, because we don’t really consider ourselves a diaspora in the same way they do. We certainly lack, at least in the modern day, the brotherhood and camaraderie one might associate with such a thing. Whites do not put other whites first the same way Jews do. We might think of ourselves in a sense of Imperialistic spheres of political influence, or as a branching tree of genetic cousins, but we the collective white peoples have no conception of ourselves as a “white race,” for we are truthfully many races, nor do we see ourselves as a singular culture, but as many different cultures.

But what really is and what someone sees reality as being do not always match up, and just because we do not see ourselves as being part of a diaspora does not mean were are not still members of one.

Such is it with the Jews. To the Jew, the white man or woman of the West is indisputably Christian, no matter what they say or do to the contrary. A white liberal British man who sneers at the Church and speaks disdainfully of sky daddies and volcano gods is no less a Christian in their eyes than a rabidly atheistic Jewish professor in a Canadian university is Jewish. They see the aforementioned British Liberal as being profoundly Christian, fundamentally Christian. He is Christian from the far ends of his hair to the very tips of his toes. Whether Christians accept him or reject him and whether he accepts or rejects Christianity is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter. He lives in a culture that is profoundly and fundamentally Christian by their standards, he assumes morals and ethics that are grounded in Christian teachings and schools of thought instead of Judaic ones, and he is the heir to a venerable line of academic, philosophical, scientific, and legal institutions created by Christians for the express intent of furthering Christian civilization, just as they themselves are heir to a similar line of Rabbinical works that exist to fulfill a similar purpose.

What he professes to believe is irrelevant to them. Whether he has ever put his hands together in prayer or set foot in a church in his life is irrelevant to them. Even whether he wants to help his nation commit suicide or if he wishes to save it is, in this specific judgement, irrelevant to them.

Just as they view Jewishness as being a “special status” that transcends culture, philosophy, religion, and in many ways blood, and indeed informs all of those aforementioned things, so to do they see Christianity as a similar, rival special status which informs the actions and beliefs of every white European on the planet.

Jews have a conception of us which we ourselves once had but no longer possess, that being the idea of a “Cultural Christian.” In the postmodern world, the idea of a ‘Cultural Christian’ seems strange to us, because we see Christianity as a matter of belief or unbelief, but to the Jews, it is par for the course. All of their patterns of thought are informed through the lens of tribalism, so it only makes sense that they would view Christianity as a rival tribe similar in trait and form to their own.

And all of the missionary work and principled brown pastors in the world won’t change the fact that Jews see Christianity as being, first and foremost, profoundly White and intrinsically European.
In fact, it actually goes even further than this. Islam also functions as a diaspora, and even uses this form and status as a means of attack and conquest. Where Muslims cannot go ideologically, they spread racially, and where they cannot go as a race, they go as ideas, or in the more modern context, as accusations of oppression and colonialism. Islam cycles between being a race, a religion, a philosophy, a body politic, a culture, and a means of law, adopting as many of these traits as it can at any given moment in whatever combination most enables it to fly beneath the local radar.

Indeed, the modern day clash of culture and civilization could be accurately summarized as the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian diasporas being locked in a three-way war with one another for dominance over the face of the earth. Much of the agitation of the American establishment for war against Russia makes sense only when understood through the context that the Jewish diaspora, having co-opted America as a political engine, wish to use it to destroy Russia, a bastion of Christianity.

The problem we have is that although this is indeed a war of competing diasporas, we alone are under the impression that we are not a diaspora and that there is no war. We were, through the efforts of Cultural Marxism, convinced by the Jewish diaspora that we no longer have any sort of shared identity, and indeed retroactively never did. And they have now laid us open, or are attempting to lay us open, to being annihilated by Islam.

What is the most Jewish way to wage war you could imagine, dear reader? If I was pressed to come up with an answer, I would probably say “manipulate your enemies into killing each other.”

And that is exactly what they have done.

The second reason Jews like Ethan Jacobs conflate Europeans with Christians is much more straight-forward. Jews fear and hate Christians, and Jews fear and hate white people. As people are often wont to do, they will conflate and use interchangeably things that they hate with one another.

And Jews do not like Christians. With good reason. It was, after all, Christian values and morals and Christian cultures and societies that got them kicked out of every nation that has played host to them for the last two thousand years.

Just to give two examples, in John 8: 39-45, Christ says that Jews are not the children of Abraham, but of the devil, and that they do their father’s work on this earth. And in Matthew 15:1-9, Christ attacks the Pharisees for placing their own Oral Law above the laws given to them by God. And as anyone who knows anything about Jewish culture could tell you, spitting on the Oral Law and arguing that they turned their backs on God by worshiping the teachings of Rabbis and the words of men instead is about as direct an attack on Jewishness as you can muster.

Christianity is not merely Anti-Semitic, it is actually Counter-Semitic. In fact, the Talmud explicitly forbids any Orthodox Jew from reading so much as a single sentence from the Bible, and warns that if they do, they will be denied any place or reward in the coming age. This blatant censorship on the part of the Rabbis of the second and third century AD is indicative of how terrified the Jews were of Christianity, because lest we forget, the overwhelming number of original Christians were, obviously, Jews themselves who abandoned Jewishness to follow the teachings of Christ instead.

This was the single most direct threat on the existence of Judaism that the Jews have ever suffered, because it threatened to destroy them by the one thing they had thought themselves immune to: assimilation. For centuries, Jews used assimilation as a weapon against their foes and as a survival strategy to endure the attacks of their enemies. Indeed, the entire reason the Jews track blood by the female line instead of the male one is that it allows the Jews as a tribe to destroy rival groups by giving their daughters over to be married. You think you have won, and take your rightful spoils, but come to find out, your beloved son or grandson is actually first a Jew, and second whatever it is you were. Thus did the Jews of the Ancient Era destroy their enemies and rivals, by using their own women as a sort of tribal bioweapon to culturally and ethnically appropriate their enemies. They were the undisputed masters of assimilation.

But with the advent of Christianity, the tables had been turned. The diaspora was hemorrhaging members as Jews willingly turned their backs on their own Jewishness, and something had to be done to stop it, or else Judaism would go extinct, swallowed whole by Christianity.

Judaism survived, thanks to the efforts of the Rabbis to censor biblical teachings and centralize Jewish law for those Jews that followed them. Out of the dozens of different traditions and tribes of what had been considered the people of Israel, only one, the Rabbinical one which became hyper-insular, survived the rise of Christendom without being converted or swallowed up.

And Judaism, by which I mean the Rabbis who created what we refer to today as Jews and Jewishness, never forgot it. They never, ever forgot what Christianity did to it, or how close they came to being wiped out ideologically. And they have never forgiven Christianity or Christians for ‘stealing’ what they believed to be their rightful place at the head of the world. Even now, Martin Schulz openly declares in European Parliament that Europe belongs to the Jews and would not be Europe without Jews, and British Rabbi Jonathan Sacks is arguing, in the face of rising tides of anti-Semitism, that Jews are Europe’s rightful leaders and that if Europe should reject Jews, they will be forever damned.

The Jew cries out in pain as he names himself

The Jewish condition has for two thousand years been defined by Loxism, or the envy and hatred of whites by Jews, and this envy and hatred is a very real and observable phenomena. Why don’t they like us?

Because we, the Anglo-Germanic children of the Holy Roman Empire, took the place in the sun they always wanted for themselves. Because while they dreamed themselves the Masters of the Earth, we became the Masters of the Earth. Because Christianity became what the Jews always wanted to be. And they will never, ever stop seeing us as Christians, any more than they would ever stop seeing themselves as Jews. To the Jew, Christianity will finally be vanquished when the last white infant on Earth is used as a football by the disgruntled brown hordes, and not one moment sooner.

I know Jews today who think the Jewish grudge against Germans is silly, and that it is long past due to bury the hatchet and let bygones be bygones. But if you so much as mention Christianity to them, they practically foam at the mouth with vitriol and hatred. Jews would forgive Nazis before they forgive Christians, and the idea of Judeo-Christianity is without a doubt a swindle for the ages. They work hard to keep the hatred hidden from the sight of the uninitiated, but it is always there, bubbling just beneath the surface, and it only needs to be poked and prodded lightly to spill forth into the light of day.

Jews are a people who still, to this day, refuse to use a + sign in mathematics because it looks too much like a cross. The very reason we call them ‘kikes’ at all is because, on Ellis Island, immigrants from the Old World who were illiterate could sign their immigration papers with an X instead of their name if they needed to, but the Jews coming to America refused to draw anything that looked like a cross or crucifix, forcing an exception to be made. We allowed them to sign their names with a circle instead, and the Yiddish word for circle? Kikel. The nickname for Jews who hate Christ so much they’ll sign their names with a circle has dogged them ever since.

The flat-out refusal to even draw something resembling a cross in our postmodern enlightened world of irreverence and post-ironic flippancy is something that beggars the minds of most. It is sincerely difficult to imagine a hatred of the magnitude that Jews harbor for Christians, and I have little doubt that the majority of the New Testament teachings about showing love to your enemies were aimed directly at Jews. By all accounts, being told to love by a man they hated only enraged the Pharisees further.

As much as I dislike the vibrancy and multiculturalism I am forced to live around, my own hatred seems like little more than a mild distaste when compared to that which the Jew harbors. After all, although it is not the best outcome imaginable, I myself would be perfectly content for all of these people to simply be removed back to their nations of origin, never to darken my shores or the shores of any white land again. But the Jew is consumed by what can only be described as an adolescent revenge fantasy over two thousand years in the making, and many of them have little compunction on acting out their fantasies with great relish.

What does this have to do with claiming the Alt-Right is exclusively for Christians, you ask?

Simply put, they hate the Alt-Right and what it represents, and there could be no greater slur a Jew could use in their own terms than to call something “Christian.”

When Ethan Jacobs called the Alt-Right a Christian movement, he was using Christian as an insult, a smear, a signal to his fellow Chosenbergs and the shabbos goyim who follow a rag like Inverse about how evil and foul the Alt-Right really is.

They’re Christian over there, Moshi, can you believe it!? What awful people! We’re gonna have to do something about that.

Rejoice, tree huggers and fedoralords. You are all Christian now.


We have forgotten that we are all Christian. We have forgotten that we are the Forest People. We have forgotten the Virtue of Hate, and that being God Fearing means to be wrathful in the face of wickedness.

We have allowed our culture, our morals, our ethics, our society, and even our blood to be scrubbed away from us, leaving our identity as a blank slate. We were talked out of believing in our own diaspora, and yet allowed our enemies to keep theirs. All we have left is our Magic Dirt, and now the brown hordes, predictably, demand we turn over that as well.

It is only natural, it simply stands to reason, that after what has been done to us we would have to relearn these things and rediscover who we are, who we have been all along.

We will have a bulwark against subversion when we understand the truth that the Jews see in us, and embrace explicit Cultural Christendom instead of simply allowing it to be implicit in the form of Conservative Libertarianism or esoteric Socialist Nationalism. When atheists and pagans defend Christian society and Christian values, the Jews can’t win, and they know it.