Jewsmedia Claims Insane Vegas Shooters were “White Supremacists”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2014

Jerad Miller and Amanda Miller, billed by the Jewish media as racist extremists, were average insane people.
Jerad Miller and Amanda Miller, billed by the Jewish media as racist extremists, were average insane people.

Over the last days, the Jewish media apparatus has gone into warp-drive claiming that the Vegas couple, Jerad and Amanda Miller, who allegedly ambushed and shot two cops while yelling “revolution” before killing someone at Wal-Mart and then killing themselves were “White supremacists.”

This might appear to make more sense than when they blamed “White supremacy” for that Asian brat shooting up Santa Barbara, but it fact it barely does.


The Las Vegas Review-Journal, citing city law enforcement sources, said investigators discovered paraphernalia associated with white supremacists, including swastika symbols, but it was not clear where the items was found.

The newspaper’s report also said the shooters covered the officers’ bodies with something featuring the Revolutionary War-era Gadsden flag. The yellow flag, which contains an image of a coiled snake and the words “Don’t tread on me,” is associated with the conservative Tea Party political movement.

Representatives for the Las Vegas Police Department said they could not confirm the report. A morning news conference is planned later on Monday.

Again, this isn’t confirmed, but it is what the media is on and on about.

What is getting much less attention is that the couple appears to have been demonstrating signs of severe insanity before committing their bizarre, insane acts.

Firstly, one of their neighbors claimed they were openly talking about committing an insane act.

Las Vegas Sun:

The duo also told people they planned to commit a mass shooting, said Brandon Monroe, a resident of the complex.

“They were handing out white-power propaganda and were talking about doing the next Columbine,” Monroe said.

So the act itself was insane, and they were talking about committing it beforehand, which is double-insane.  I would be interested to know what it is they are labelling “White-power propaganda” as well.

I would also be interested to know why Mr. Monroe did not alert the police when his neighbors were telling him they were going to commit a mass shooting, as I believe he has probably committed some form of crime by failing to report this.  I know if I had some crazy neighbors tell me that they were planning a mass shooting, I would call the police while I was packing my bags to move to a different apartment complex.

Especially if those neighbors were the sort to dress up like the Joker and Harley Quinn, because that is exactly the type of people who would actually do it.

The killer couple dressed up as the murderous villains from Batman comics on a regular basis, apparently.
The killer couple dressed up as the murderous villains from Batman comics on a regular basis, apparently.

It appears that Batman comics are at least as much to blame as whatever this “White-power propaganda” the couple was allegedly handing out was.

We can also blame Peter Pan, because apparently Jerad also liked to dress up like him.  He would also, allegedly, wear full camouflage and make-up, just walking around.

All signs of complete insanity, not “White supremacy.”

One of his threatening Facebook posts also reads much more like that of a normal schizo Infowars fanboy than a White Rights advocate.

Doesn't sound like any "White supremacists" I know.
Doesn’t sound like any “White supremacists” I know.

It was also reported that he would go on long rants about “conspiracy theories.”  Again, Jones fanboy is implied.

Loony-toony pro-Jewish conspiracy theorist Alex Jones also enjoys dressing up like the Joker.
Loony-toony pro-Jewish conspiracy theorist Alex Jones also enjoys dressing up like the Joker.

The choice of victims also does not imply “White supremicism,” but Jonesian delusionism.

Racist revolution failure: Officers Lyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, both White fathers of White children, simply out having pizza.
Racist revolution failure: Officers Lyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, both White fathers of White children, simply out having pizza.

Why would they shoot two White cops who were simply eating pizza if they wanted to kick-off a Nazi revolution?  It is Alex Jones and the conspiracy weirdos who are always blaming cops for everything, not the racists.

Jews are Responsible

The cause of this shooting is the same as the cause of the two recent Slenderman stabbings: a complete and total breakdown of the basic fabric of society, resulting in rampant and possibly irreversible magnitudes of chronic insanity flooding the place.

Those responsible for this breakdown are the Jews.  The loss of our value system, our religion, our sense of identity, an understanding of our history – all of this has created a void in the soul of the folk, which is being filled up by whatever sort of gibberish the Jews think of next, whether it be cosplay or goofy Alex Jones conspiracy theories.

None of these shootings can be viewed as isolated events involving individuals with individual ideological or personal problems.  They are happening constantly now.  Viewing them as unrelated is like viewing an outbreak of a disease as a bunch of individuals getting sick for unrelated reasons.

The root of the problem is the collapse of society, and this collapse has been caused by the Jewish cotangent, which must eventually destroy all that it touches.