John Bolton Attacks Iran for Not Honoring Terms of Nuclear Deal Trump Unilaterally Withdrew From

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 29, 2019

John Bolton is evil, and presumably fucks children.

I see no other reason why he would be so obsessed with serving the Jews.

He must be a baby-fucker.

His first wild claim in statements made this week was that Iran was responsible for the alleged attacks on ships in Saudi Arabia.

Fox News:

U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said Wednesday that ships sabotaged off the United Arab Emirates coast were attacked “almost certainly by Iran” and warned that the U.S. would strike back if attacked.

Bolton made the comments to journalists in Abu Dhabi ahead of planned meetings with Emirati officials. His statement echoes Pentagon officials who said Friday that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were directly responsible for attacks on the tankers.

“The attack against the shipping in Fujairah we attribute it to the IRGC,” said Rear Admiral Michael Gilday, the director of the Joint Staff. He added that the Pentagon attributed limpet mines used in the attack to the IRGC.

Bolton said that the U.S. hasn’t seen any further attacks by the Iranian regime after the Trump administration dispatched an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf.

“The point is to make it very clear to Iran and its surrogates that these kinds of actions risk a very strong response from the United States,” Bolton said.

Firstly, we don’t even know that these ships were attacked. No evidence was ever provided.

Secondly, it has already been reported that if the attacks were in fact real, they were done by the Houthis, who are currently involved in a brutal war with Saudi Arabia.

The New York Times admitted this, and one of the Houthi leaders literally claimed responsibility on Twitter.

John Bolton does not even address this claim, he just keeps saying that Iran did it.

Bolton’s second claim is even more unhinged.

He is attacking Iran for not honoring the nuclear deal, which the US unilaterally pulled out of at the behest of the Jews!

The Iranian regime, meanwhile, responded with threats to back away from the 2015 nuclear deal that sought to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. The regime set a July 7 deadline for Europe to offer better terms to the unraveling nuclear deal, otherwise, it will resume enrichment closer to weapons level.

Trump withdrew from the agreement amid criticism that the deal didn’t do enough to limit Iran’s nuclear program, nor did it address Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Bolton accused Iran of wanting to back away from the deal with other world powers because the regime wants to produce nuclear weapons.

“There’s no reason for them to do any of that unless that’s part of an effort to reduce the breakout time to produce nuclear weapons,” he said. “That’s a very serious issue if they continue to do that.”

“This is just more graphic evidence that it hasn’t constrained their continuing desire to have nuclear weapons,” Bolton added. “It certainly hasn’t reduced their terrorist activities in the region that we just discussed or their other malign behavior in their use of conventional forces.”

Just imagine it!

“Yeah, we pulled out of this deal, but you still have to honor it or you’re terrorists.”

What’s more, the reason that they are saying they are not going to continue to follow the terms with Europe is because the US is pressuring Europe to also pull out of the deal and stop buying oil from Iran.

So the US pulled out, they’re trying to get Europe to pull out, but they’re telling Iran that if they don’t honor it, even though all the other parties have stopped honoring it, that they’re evil terrorists who are a threat to the world.

This is officially now stupider than the lead-up to the Iraq war, and it is shocking that there is no single adult in the room who is like “what the fuck is going on here?”