John Leech on the Links Between Patriotism and White Nationalism

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2014

Long-time activist and organiser John Leech gives a rousing speech at the London Forum on why nationalists need to embrace patriotism.

We have so many things in common with patriots, we should not be seeing them as the enemy.

Patriotism is on the rise in Britain, 4 million people turned up to see the recent ceramic poppy display and remember the dead from the brother’s wars.

UKIP are currently the flag ship for this movement and we need to be in there and setting the agenda for them.

They are opposed to political correctness and for genuine freedom of speech.

They are opposed to multi-culturalism and even have that in their constitution.

Paul Nuttal has called for the death penalty to be brought back for pedophiles and Jane Collins has called the Labour Party the pedophile protection party.

Nigel Farage has called for St George’s day to be a national bank holiday.

UKIP are not perfect, but we do have a lot in common with them and they are going somewhere.

We need to get in there with them and start steering their policies, they need our ideology and we need their political clout.