Justice Now Illegal: Man Charged with Manslaughter for Beating a Thief Who Stole His Wallet to Death

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 12, 2018

One thing I’ve learned over the course of my life is that you should really be careful who you fuck with.

In general, I advise people to avoid fucking with other people. Certainly, you shouldn’t commit crimes against people, then expect there to be no consequences.

I have this important saying that I say (this can stand in for Self-Help Sunday, since I’ve gotta do this big protest livethread thing today and don’t have time for a real article): “nothing in life is free.”

There is no such thing as “free sex,” there is no “get rich quick” scam, there is no meditation scam that brings you personal enlightenment while on vacation in India.

“Love” is the least free thing, as it requires extreme emotional investment.

The only thing that is actually going to give you an eternal state of happiness is cocaine, and for every minute you spend high on cocaine, a minute is taken off of your life – trading pleasure release for time.

Everything is input-output. It is the law of the universe.

That is one thing that libertarians get right. And actually Marx got it right as well – that everything of value is reduced to human labor – though modern communists don’t really understand those ideas and think that free stuff is magic.

Crime is the only way to get free things, and the fact of crime is that you are weighing high risk. Crime can pay, but it is always high risk. You are weighing that risk when you commit a crime.

For instance, any high IQ white person could take over the drug dealing of an entire city and make millions a month, because right now, it is all run by brown people who are incompetent. But the risk is very, very high. You can get killed, you can go to prison for life, and eventually, everyone seems to have one or the other happen.

Nothing is free. 

Sometimes, you steal a guy’s wallet, and he beats you to death.

The Advocate:

Simon Morris snapped when a man swiped his wallet outside an Uptown gasoline station Friday morning.

He chased the thief across the street and beat him to death with his fists and feet, New Orleans police said.

Morris, 31, faces a count of manslaughter after the killing of a man identified in court records only by his first name, Edwin.

According to police, Edwin approached Morris and asked him for a dollar outside the Express Mart Gas Station at 4140 S. Claiborne Ave. about 8:20 a.m. Friday. But Edwin then reached into Morris’ back pocket, snatched his wallet and ran across South Claiborne at Milan Street.

Morris caught up with him in the rear driveway of Hi Class Customs, an upholstery and window tinting shop at 4201 S. Claiborne. Morris wrested his wallet back and then began beating on Edwin with his fists, police said.

At least two people tried to restrain Morris. But he kept punching and then started kicking Edwin, who “was begging Morris to stop and was attempting to cover his face and body,” police said.

Morris battered Edwin’s head and body “for a duration of five minutes or more,” police said. He didn’t stop until one of the witnesses managed to pull him off. The witness said he feared Morris would try to beat him up as well, according to police.

Paramedics took Edwin to University Medical Center for treatment, but he died there not long after arrival.

Officers detained Morris and later secured a warrant to jail him on a count of manslaughter.

Well, that’s bullshit.

The reality is that if you are going to go around robbing people, you should understand that someone might decide to fucking beat you to death.

The thief was obviously black. They’re not releasing his identity, but yeah, “Edwin” is not a white name anymore, and no white person would be involved in this kind of wallet robbery.

It will be interesting to see if they add hate crimes charges. I’d be willing to bet there’s a witness saying he said “nigger” while beating the nigger to death.

Seriously though, we are living in a totally lawless society where the police refuse to even investigate brown crime – but we aren’t allowed to beat criminals to death on the street? That is the thing that these badge niggers care about?

At this point, I’m in support of simply abolishing the police completely and replacing them with vigilante squads.

Anything that is outside of the jurisdiction of ICE – the only noble law enforcement agency – can be handled by people like Simon Morris.

We need to enact the “Punisher Protocol,” where it becomes legal for groups of white guys to organize into street patrols and take down criminals. Beat them to death, shoot them, throw them off roofs – whatever.

Guaranteed, crime would go down, people would be happier, everything would be a sunshine world.

The law could also be called “The Dark Judgement Act.”

Or simply “Chucka Blam Chucka Blam.”

Anyway, I’m not joking.

I have no idea what the purpose of cops even is any more, and right now, under the US Constitution, they constitute the definition of a “standing army,” which is illegal.

What we need is a “well regulated militia,” AKA Pushiersim AKA White Dutertism AKA Chuka-Blam Chuka Blamism.