Kaboom! Another Coincidence Gas Explosion in France!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2019

A lot of strange explosions going off in France, lately.


Several gas explosions rocked a university science library in eastern France as a massive construction fire broke out on its roof. Three people received minor injuries and students and staff were evacuated from campus buildings.

A large fire broke out on Thursday morning at one of the Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 campuses in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon in eastern France. Video from the scene shows the building’s roof engulfed in flames. Several explosions can be seen bursting through the fire.

To those of you keeping score at home, there was a similar explosion recently. About a week ago.

BBC, 12 January:

Two firefighters and a Spanish woman have been killed after a huge blast at a bakery in France’s capital, Paris.

The emergency services were responding to a gas leak when “a dramatic explosion” occurred, said Interior Minister Christophe Castaner.

Forty-seven people were injured, 10 seriously, in the blast on rue de Trévise at around 09:00 (08:00 GMT).

It happened near the Paris Opera, a popular tourist area, and was felt several streets away.

Is there a third one coming?

After all: Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is an enemy action.

And it’s strange that these explosions would start going off after the whole Yellow Vests thing started taking off, no?

It also occurs to me that this is how a low-level civil war would look in the grim darkness of the near future.

The media would cover up terror attacks and blame them on gas explosions or acts of workplace violence. Riots would be protests, supply disruptions would be temporary store closures and mass-arrests would be crackdowns against hate. Anything to keep the peace and maintain the illusion of calm.

Meanwhile, the globohomo government’s only claim to legitimacy is that they run a more or less well-oiled bureaucracy that keeps the lights on and the food flowing better than any government in history. If they fail to deliver on that, then who knows, people might get mad – even madder than they already are right now. So the Yellow Vests targeting of roads and infrastructure seems well thought-out and effective.

As for the explosions – it seems that explosions or bombs, in general, can be blamed on native unrest and justify a crackdown.

That they haven’t been blamed on the Yellow Vests suggests that something else is afoot here. Hell, it might even be just another coincidence. But more likely than not, the bombs are simply an unexpected development. 

Perhaps someone is trying to escalate things with their own agenda in mind…

Because logic would say that the Yellow Vests ought to be blamed for such attacks to justify a government crackdown. Even if they didn’t do it, even if they really are gas explosions, you would expect the media to at least put the idea out there.

Hard to say just what is going on.