Kansas Swatting: Cops Murder Non-Gamer Over Call of Duty Game Gone Wrong!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2017

So a $1.50 bet on a Call of Duty game resulted in a swating by a professional autistic swatter named @SWauTistic.

Keemstar interviewed him before his arrest.

During the swatting, an unassociated white guy was murdered by the cops.

Maybe people shouldn’t be swatting people over Call of Duty games gone wrong.

But you know what?

Cops shouldn’t be randomly murdering people because they’re confused and scared.

Fox News:

A 25-year-old California man was arrested in connection to an online quarrel between two “Call of Duty” gamers that prompted a hoax call and led to a man being killed by police in Kansas.

Los Angeles police on Friday arrested Tyler Barriss, who law enforcement claimed is the “prankster” who called 911 and made up a story about a kidnapping in Wichita, ABC 7 reported.

Barriss reportedly gave police the address he believed the other gamer lived.

In the audio of the 911 call, the caller claimed his father had been shot in the head and that he was holding his mother and a sibling at gunpoint. The caller added that he poured gasoline inside the home and “might just set it on fire.”

Maybe that sounded fake?


The address was for the home of Andrew Finch, 28, whom police believed was not involved in any argument on “Call of Duty.”

Wichita Deputy Police Chief Troy Livingston, speaking at a news conference, said the hoax call was a case of “swatting,” in which a person makes up a false report to get a SWAT team to descend on an address.

“Due to the actions of a prankster we have an innocent victim,” Livingston said. He said no one has been arrested in connection with the hoax.

The prankster in his interview makes a very good point, cops: he didn’t shoot anyone.

Yall did the shooting.

When officers arrived at the scene, Finch opened the door for the officers. As police told him to put his hands up, Finch moved a hand toward the area of his waistband – a common place where guns are concealed.

I’m gonna need to see the video of that.

An officer, fearing the man was reaching for a gun, fired a single shot. Finch died a few minutes later at a hospital and was found to be unarmed, Livingston said.

The officer who fired the shot, a seven-year veteran of the department, is on paid leave pending the investigation.

Is he black?

Police did not disclose the name of the man shot Thursday evening but Lisa Finch, Andrew’s mother, identified him. She told reporters Friday her son was not a gamer.

“What gives the cops the right to open fire?” she asked. “That cop murdered my son over a false report in the first place.”

Finch, described by his mother as a “very kind and caring” man who would “do anything for his family,” leaves behind two children, ages 2 and 7.

This situation is outrageous.

Cops don’t have any right to just show up at people’s houses and murder them.

The problem in this country is that no one wants to be a cop because of all of the risks involved. Cops are quitting because the Black Lives Matter movement has made it impossible for them to do their jobs, even as they risk being charged with murder when a black attacks. So you get a situation where a low IQ moron will just open fire on a white man with his hands up.