Kevin Spacey Accused of Touching Jew Actor Richard Dreyfuss’ Son!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2017

Kevin Spacey is nuts. He was just grabbing young Jewish lads right in front of their fathers!

The Guardian:

The son of actor Richard Dreyfuss has accused Kevin Spacey of sexual misconduct, alleging that the House of Cards star molested him while his father was in the same room.

Harry Dreyfuss, who was 18 at the time of the incident, made the claims in an essay published by Buzzfeed. In it he described Spacey as a “sexual predator”, who felt “safe” to abuse him, knowing that he “wouldn’t say a word”.

The claims contribute to a growing sexual abuse scandal against Spacey, who has been dropped by House of Cards producers Netflix and is currently the subject of an investigation by police in London.

Dreyfuss claims that the alleged encounter happened in London in 2008 while his father was rehearsing for the play Complicit, which was being directed by Spacey during his tenure as artistic director of the Old Vic theatre.

“It happened one night when the three of us were alone in Kevin’s apartment rehearsing my father’s lines. My father didn’t see, and I didn’t tell him about the incident for many years,” he wrote.

Dreyfuss said that, during the rehearsal, Spacey repeatedly placed his hand on his thigh. He said that his father was unaware of the incident, as he was “deeply focused on his script”. Dreyfuss claims that when he moved to a different seat, Spacey followed him and continued to hold his thigh, before groping his crotch.

Dreyfuss added that he did not alert his father to the alleged incident as he feared that it might start a feud between his father and Spacey. “I didn’t want the play to be threatened,” he said.



How JEWISH is that?

The first rule of Kevin Spacey’s house is: if you’re in Kevin Spacey’s house and if you’re a teenage boy, you have to get groped.


This whole Hollywood sex drama is definitely going in the right direction, no?