Kookspiracy: Jew Schiff Goes Nuts After Jew Buzzfeed Says Jew Cohen Said Trump Instructed Him to Lie

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2019

Jews will go so far as to themselves confess to crimes they did not commit in order to kike you.

The Jew lawyer Michael Cohen has already confessed to lying to Congress, even though he could have just said he forgot like everyone else does. He has confessed to campaign violations based on laws that do not even exist.

Trump said this at the time he confessed to the latter:

They put that on to embarrass me. They put those two charges on to embarrass me. They’re not criminal charges. What happened is either Cohen or the prosecutors, in order to embarrass me, said: ‘Listen, I’m making this deal for reduced time and everything else. Do me a favor and put these two charges on.

None of this is serious.

Cohen is going to a special Jew prison for three years for illegal tax activities, and all of the rest of this stuff was just piled on.

He’s now begun confessing to things he’s not even being accused of.

He confessed to allegedly being ordered by Trump to rig online polls.


President Donald Trump’s former “fixer” Michael Cohen said Thursday that he paid the head of a small technology company thousands in 2015 to rig online polls at “the direction of and for the sole benefit of” Trump.

Cohen was responding to a report in The Wall Street Journal that he paid John Gauger, the owner of RedFinch Solutions LLC, between $12,000 and $13,000 for activities related to Trump’s campaign, including “trying unsuccessfully to manipulate two online polls in Mr. Trump’s favor” and creating a Twitter account called “@WomenForCohen” that “praised (Cohen’s) looks and character, and promoted his appearances and statements boosting” Trump’s candidacy.

Coincidentally, on the very same day that the poll-rigging story came out, it was “leaked” that he confessed to being ordered by Trump to lie to Congress.

Washington Post:

Democratic leaders reacted with fury and demanded an investigation late Thursday following a new report that President Trump personally directed his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about the president’s push for a lucrative condo project in Moscow in the lead-up to the 2016 election.

The Thursday night report from BuzzFeed News cites two unnamed federal law enforcement officials who say Cohen acknowledged in interviews with the office of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III that the president directed him to deceive Congress about key facts linking Trump to the proposed deal in Russia. Cohen pleaded guilty in November to lying under oath about those details.

Democrats said that if the report is accurate, Trump must quickly be held to account for his role in the perjury, with some raising the specter of impeachment.

“The allegation that the President of the United States may have suborned perjury before our committee in an effort to curtail the investigation and cover up his business dealings with Russia is among the most serious to date,” wrote Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. “We will do what’s necessary to find out if it’s true.”

It must be pure coincidence that Cohen’s statements are helping Schiff.


It’s not like there is some kind of connection between these two men, right?

If Trump had ordered him to lie to Congress, how would that not have been leaked when he was making his guilty plea?

And what exactly are the statistical chances that the story of him claiming to have rigged polls and this thing about being ordered to lie to Congress come out on the same day?

Was Buzzfeed holding these leaks until another story about Cohen popped up in the news for them to attach onto? If so, why?

Buzzfeed has a track record that is somehow even worse than that of the NYT and WaPo, so it’s hard to take this seriously without a confirmation. I don’t doubt however that Cohen would have made this claim. That is definitely possible. He’s a lying Jew.

But for Adam Schiff to go nuts and start making demands based on a story that is currently only on Buzzfeed is not very professional of that Jew.

The entire issue that Cohen confessed to lying about – this building in Moscow – is just nonsense to begin with. It is not in any way important. We already now have the whole story, and all it is is “Trump was planning to build a building in Moscow.”

There was nothing there to hide. Even Mueller admits there was nothing to hide.

So I have no idea why Cohen would lie about it, and I certainly can’t believe Trump would tell him to lie about it.

I am so tired of this crap. It never ends and it is psychological abuse of the public, in particular me.