Kremlin Denies New Claims by The Guardian of a Conspiracy with Donald Trump

The Statue of Liberty poem, which is the basis for American law, says that we must believe journalists even when they are lying. It’s our values.

Vladimir Putin can deny all he likes – he will never be able to come up with a believable explanation as to why the Jewish media would lie about something like this.

In America and the UK, we have faith in our media, and we believe whatever they say, even when it is outrageous and doesn’t make any sense. We believe because it is our values that the media is defending our democracy.

Democracies will never accept the theoretical capacity of Jewish media to behave in a dishonest fashion.


Moscow has reacted furiously to a series of claims, backed up with anonymous and unverifiable sources, that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his security officials to support Donald Trump’s campaign to become US president.

In comments made exclusively to RT on Thursday evening, Putin’s spokesman slammed the report, published in the UK’s Guardian newspaper earlier that day. “This is total fiction,” Dmitry Peskov remarked. “Strictly speaking, it is complete nonsense. Of course, this is the hallmark of an absolutely low-quality publication. Either the newspaper is trying to somehow increase its popularity or is sticking to a rabidly Russophobic line.”

The article, authored by British journalist Luke Harding and two other staffers at the outlet, claimed that Putin had “Personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election, during a closed session of Russia’s national security council.” The bombshell revelations were purportedly based on “what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents.”

Harding has a history of publishing false stories related to the so-called “Russiagate” conspiracy theory, which became popular after Trump was elected to America’s highest office. In 2018, for instance, he published a completely fake tale about dissident publisher Julian Assange and the American lobbyist Paul Manafort supposedly having met in London. The article was also based on anonymous ‘sources.’ Although the allegation has been thoroughly debunked, the Guardian has refused to correct the record.

While working in Moscow in 2007, Harding was accused of plagiarism by The Exile, a small, independent and now defunct magazine. His employer issued an apology at the time.

According to Thursday’s report, top Kremlin officials agreed a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic objectives, among them encouraging “social turmoil” in the US and “a weakening of the American president’s negotiating position.” This is despite the frequently fractious state of relations between the two nations and the imposition of sanctions during the Republicans time in office.

“Certainly, all of this does not correspond and cannot possibly be based on the truth. It is fundamentally not true,” Peskov said. “This is either part of an ongoing attempt to demonize Russia and Putin, which The Guardian loves to do from time to time, or it is a desperate attempt to attract some new readers by publishing such tales.”

It makes no difference if the journalist is a plagiarist and a liar spreading false information in order to support a globalist war campaign against Russia. The validity of these claims are no more relevant than the truthfulness of the claims of a woman who is lying about rape.

The only thing that matters is that we believe the story, just like we believe in rape hoaxes. It’s our values that we believe all women and journalists, even when they’re lying.

Claiming that we should believe facts over our own Jewish media agencies is an insult to the American soldiers who died fighting the Confederacy and the Nazis in order to support trans rights.

The chant by marines on the front lines fighting against the Nazis was very clear:

We will never waver in our fight against the communist Russians, who are trying as we speak to use Donald Trump to install fascism in America.

We will never forget the importance of our values, because our values is who we are.