Kylie Jenner to Bequeath America with New Royal Baby

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2017

A hundred years ago, any attempt to popularize any one of the Kardashian-Jenner royal family would’ve sparked violent and relentless pogroms. Were it not for Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s production company Bunim/Murray – whose Chairman and CEO (and producer of the Kardashian show) is the Jew Gil Goldschein –  none of these attention whores would be aggressively shoved in our faces as iconic social trailblazers for the masses to aspire to become more like.

In the case of 20-year-old Kylie Jenner, the yentas and queers of the busy-body press are gushing over the news that she is now pregnant. Aren’t they worried about her age, or her modeling “career”?

The general understanding is white women are not supposed to get pregnant at an optimal age. They increase the chances of giving birth to the next Hitler by having easy, healthy pregnancies with multiple offspring if they do. The social engineers make sure you know that if you’re a woman, you’re supposed to accomplish all your “career” goals, do the thot-trot all around the globe, and have at least 30 casual sex encounters before you “settle down” to have kids via a sperm bank at age 38. That’s the unambiguous message the system’s cadre (“journalists”) propagandizes young women with in the media they consume.

But here we have an exception. Because the “father” of Kylie Jenner’s baby is an especially retarded looking negro, there’s nothing but praise for the latest addition to America’s favorite family!

Daily Caller:

Kylie Jenner is reportedly pregnant and sources told People magazine Friday that she and her boyfriend rapper Travis Scott are “really excited.

“They started telling friends a few weeks ago,” a source told the outlet about the 20-year-old reality star’s big news. “The family has known for quite some time. She is really excited and so is Travis!”

However, another source said, “it is an unexpected but completely amazing turn of events that she could not be more excited or thrilled about.”

“Everyone is overjoyed for her,” the source added. “This is the happiest she’s ever been.”

The celebrity duo have been dating since April, according to another report, about the time she broke up with Tyga.

A source told the outlet that Jenner is expecting a girl and has been “looking pregnant for about four months.”

Even the so-called “far-right” Daily Caller refuses to utter a single critical word about any of these people. Criticizing or mocking the House of Kardashian-Jenner is a capital offense in our Evil Empire of Mulattia!

You may think the picture above of the child’s “father” is one of A. Wyatt Mann’s cartoons, but that’s actually this creative geniuses permanent expression when he is deep in thought.

“Kendall may be prettier, my dad chopped off his dick, and Kim may have fucked a random black guy on video, but Mr Goldschein will finally make ME famous once I get pregnant with this really ugly nigger I met at the half way house!”

The Kardashians and Jenners are peddled to your wife, sister and daughter as role model’s to ape (no pun intended).

Cut the cord, control what they watch, and overthrow the Jew!