Late Newsman Removed from Hall of Fame for Being Racist Against Black Murderers

Blacks are only violent murderers and rapists because white people are mean to them.

Thus, being mean to blacks for committing murder and rape only increases black murder and rape. It’s the vicious cycle of violence and mean statements.

New York Post:

An “openly racist” Maryland newsman has been posthumously removed from a press association’s Hall of Fame following a review of his writing — including commentary that promoted lynching, officials said.

Edward J. Clarke, the late owner and editor of the Worcester Democrat, was ousted Monday from the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association’s Hall of Fame after a journalist unearthed editorials written by Clarke containing “horrible, angry rants and racial attacks” against three black suspects in a 1940 homicide in Pocomoke City.

“Clarke was vicious and dehumanizing in his opinion writing, likening the accused to ‘a rabid dog’ and ‘savages’ and ‘brutes’ and a ‘disease-spreading germ’ and ‘garbage,’” the press association said in a statement Thursday.

Clarke, whose paper existed from 1921 through 1953, suggested a “good stout rope” with a noose at one end be used to dole out justice against the three black suspects, whom he likened to “fiends who violated the home” of a white couple.

Coverage of the case in other local papers gave a contrast to Clarke’s “white supremacist tone,” showing clearly that he aligned with “racial vigilante attitudes” espoused by some at the time.

“Clarke was openly racist and brutish not just in his views, but also in opinions he shared from those who supported his positions,” the press association said.

Clarke was added to MDDC’s Hall of Fame in 1954. His 1940s columns were uncovered by a University of Maryland student, Gabriel Pietrorazio, as part of a series examining prior racist media coverage.

The press association’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to remove Clark, who published “racist viewpoints with pride” and harshly criticized those who disagreed.

The MDDC Press Association board condemns in the strongest terms the ideas expressed in Clarke’s writing and in his newspaper coverage, which also was racist,” the association’s statement continued.

The public appetite for this kook historical revisionism and history erasure seems to have cooled down massively in the last 18 months. It’s just not clear that public opinion means anything at all at this point.