Le LEL: Paris Riots Spreading Out of Control Across France

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2017

Meanwhile, in France – it’s party time, baby.

Daily Express:

The ongoing trouble in Paris which has led to riots in some parts of the capital is spreading across France as vigilantes stage running battles with police in protest of the rape of a young black man.

And law enforcement say two weeks of civil unrest has now led to frenzied clashes in 20 districts.

Worryingly about 60 per cent of those involved in the street fights are children, police say.

Indeed – most of them infants.

As well as serious crime in at least 16 northern Paris suburbs, the confrontations have spread to Nantes in Brittany, Lille – the capital of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, and Rouen in Normandy where catholic priest Father Jacques Hamel was murdered while he was saying mass the altar last summer.

Police have been targeted with molotov cocktails, filmed being chased with cars, hit with steel poles, shot at, and even targeted using heavy metal balls from the French game Petanque. One person is even accused of using a gun, and has been charged with gunfire and voluntary violence.

Armed officers have taken to the streets in their hundreds and were forced to fire live rounds of bullets and used tear gas to disperse the rioters.

Chaos erupted after it emerged police anally raped a young black man named Theo with a baton.

The scandal, which has seen four police officers charged, sparked a series of legal protests. But a number a violent, illegal protests have also taken place, with trouble now nearing its third week.

Hundreds of cars have been torched, shops and banks smashed up, and even a disability vehicle was destroyed. A coach full of tourists from South Korea was targeted in northern Paris on Tuesday while a neighbourhood close to one of the busiest train stations in the city Gare Du Nord which houses the Eurostar train network was also hit.

Just to be clear, shoving a baton up someone’s ass isn’t “rape” – it is shoving something up someone’s ass. You can also refer to that as “sodomy.”

Also to be clear, there is basically no chance this was done by white cops. It is mainly Arabs that hate the blacks and it is almost exclusively Arabs which shove things up other men’s asses.

Remember Gaddaffi?

Also to be clear, these riots have nothing to do with a black guy getting something shoved up his ass. That was the initial excuse, but Arabs will use any excuse to riot. Once the riots start, they just spread. People riot because others a rioting. This is a prominent feature of every Arab country, which is why you some often hear about Arab leaders committing “civilian massacres” where they open fire on “protesters.” They are put in a situation where the only way to stop riots from engulfing the entire nation is to open fire with live rounds.

In case you haven’t heard of this phenomenon in Arab countries, let’s look at Egypt in 2013.


On 14 August 2013 Egyptian security forces raided two camps of protesters in Cairo: one at al-Nahda Square and a larger one at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square. The two sites had been occupied by supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, who had been removed from office by the military a month earlier, following mass street protests against him. The camps were raided after initiatives to end the six week sit-ins failed and as a result of the raids the camps were cleared out within hours. The raids were described by Human Rights Watch as “one of the world’s largest killings of demonstrators in a single day in recent history”. According to Human Rights Watch, a minimum of 817 people and more likely at least 1,000 were killed in Rabaa Square on August 14. According to the Egyptian Health Ministry, 638 people were killed on 14 August (of which 595 were civilians and 43 police officers) and at least 3,994 were injured. The Muslim Brotherhood and the National Coalition for Supporting Legitimacy (NCSL) claimed the number of deaths from the Rabaa al-Adawiya Mosque sit-in alone was about 2,600. The total casualty count made 14 August the deadliest day in Egypt since the 2011 Egyptian revolution, which had toppled Morsi’s predecessor Hosni Mubarak. The raids were widely denounced by several world leaders.

And what happened in the Egyptian revolution of 2011?

Riots began for some reason no one was really clear on at the time (later they were shown to be instigated by (((western intelligence))) on social media), and though Mubarak did open fire on “protesters,” he didn’t kill enough of them and they eventually outflanked the military.

An outflanking could potentially happen in France. You watch these videos, and the cops sure do look scared.

This is just the way Arab society works. And the shocking fact is that when you bring millions of Arabs into your country, they bring Arab society with them.

We are constantly told how much we can learn from the Moslems. But the one thing we actually could learn from Moslems is how to deal with Moslem group behavior. But we aren’t allowed to learn that the solution to escalating Arab riots is to order the military to open fire on a riot.

But whatever.

These riots are great for Le Pen.

I hope they just keep getting worse.