Lies About American Freedom

Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2013


“No liberty is true and no joy is genuine unless it is founded in the fear of the Lord and a good conscience.”
-Thomas à Kempis

When asked to define “Americanism”, most people today will quickly mention “freedom” as a central characteristic, and many in the founding generation of America would doubtless have given a similar reply. But although “freedom” has always been cherished by Americans, the meaning of the word has changed dramatically over the last 200+ years. In our contemporary culture the word “freedom” is repeated incessantly without any accompanying reflection on its true meaning in the context of early American history, and this mistaken understanding of the word has led to the acceptance of countless degenerate practices.

A recent example of the invocation of “freedom” in the spread of wickedness is the campaign for sodomite marriage. Advocates of this disgusting behavior chant that they are working for the “freedom to marry”, thereby implying that opposition to sodomite marriage is un-American. However, if we look at the words of the Founding Fathers and the laws they supported, we can easily see that American freedom does not entail lax morality; on the contrary, American freedom demands strict morality based on Christian principles, and freedom will fail when this morality is neglected. This belief is demonstrated by the following passages from the Founding Fathers:

Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connexions with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
It is substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who, that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?

George Washington

Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.
Benjamin Franklin

We have no government, armed with power, capable of contending with human passions, unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

The Founding Fathers understood that the absence of religion leads to enslavement by vice, and that once a people are enslaved by vice they are no longer capable of political freedom. Traditional American freedom is premised on the ability of citizens to govern their own base desires such as lust, greed, envy, etc. When Americans reject the Christian virtues and give their vices free reign, the vice-peddlers in Hollywood and academia become the true rulers of our nation. The sex-obsessed homosexual movement represents an extreme form of immorality and lack of self-control, and thus should be seen as completely incompatible with American freedom.

Many contemporary conservatives would gladly agree both with the quotes from Washington, Franklin and Adams, and with my comments on how these quotes apply to today’s morally lax culture. But for the most part these conservatives are unwilling to take the further step of tackling these problems in the way the Founding Fathers did. If moral degeneracy is a threat to freedom, then patriots are required to combat degeneracy as a form of treason, and to combat it not only with vocal condemnation but with legislation. When the Constitution was written, sodomy was illegal in America and was subject to harsh punishment. Thomas Jefferson proposed that Virginia use castration as a punishment for sodomy, but this proposal was rejected in favor of the death penalty. These historical facts prove that liberals are wrong in trying to use the Constitution to argue in favor of sodomite marriage; these facts also contradict the libertarian frauds who think that American liberty can tolerate sexual perversion. A true American patriot would not say “it doesn’t bother me that my neighbor is a homosexual”, he would say “if my neighbor violates the laws of God and nature in his bedroom, he should be dragged to the gallows”. The soldiers of the American Revolution did not fight and die to allow perverts to be left alone, but to allow decent men and women to live in a free society that is only possible when a strict moral code is enforced.

Libertarians and pseudo-conservatives might object that enforcing such measures are impractical, citing Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote “You can not legislate morality”. But Franklin’s full quote (found on p. 13 of this article) is as follows: “You can not legislate morality, but you must regulate behavior”. Franklin’s meaning is that although laws against immoral behavior will not automatically result in an inner transformation of those who are tempted to engage in such behavior, the threat of punishment can prevent individuals from acting out their wicked desires. While it is possible to convince those with homosexual desires to repent and change their ways, for the most part people so ensnared by error as to engage in such unnatural acts are far beyond the power of reason. Our first priority when dealing with such cases must be the serving of justice and the protection of the community. I have used sodomy as an example, but many other types of wicked behavior were banned in early America, either by state or local law, or by social pressure and ostracism. Fornication, race mixing, indecent entertainment, all of these things were rejected and marginalized by early American society, and were seen as a threat not just to personal salvation, but to the entire political order.

Another major lie about American freedom is that the principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence inevitably lead to racial egalitarianism. This is a very awkward claim to make, given the clearly pro-white sentiments of the founding generation of America. For example, the earliest citizenship law in American history, the Naturalization Act of 1790, stated that citizenship is only to be granted to “free white persons” of “good moral character”. The Founding Fathers clearly intended that only whites be allowed to immigrate to the United States, and did not view black and brown immigrants as potential freedom-loving Americans. Therefore those who claim that the Constitution leads to racial egalitarianism are forced to argue that the principles of the Constitution were not fully worked out or realized by the wise men who wrote it in the first place, and that fully working out the original American principles leads to contemporary “anti-racist” attitudes. But by today’s “anti-racist” standards, the United States could never have developed because its development involved wars of conquest with the Indians and with Mexico. No politically correct liberal or conservative will claim that these wars were just, and therefore they must be forced to admit that if the Founding Fathers had realized the full implications of their own document, then America would never have expanded beyond the thirteen original states, and that if the “American idea” had been fully worked out in England in the 1500s, then the American colonies never would have been founded in the first place. Without a strict color line and an aggressive pro-white policy of expansion, America would never have stretched “from sea to shining sea”.

The Founding Fathers saw a racially mixed and sexually permissive society as undeserving and incapable of American freedom, and used firm legislation to keep order. Countless well-meaning contemporary conservatives think that if we could just educate people about the Constitution then they would voluntarily embrace genuine Americanism, but this is foolish optimism. At the time of America’s founding the population was immeasurably wiser and more virtuous than it is today, and yet even then it was deemed necessary to carefully regulate the behavior of citizens through legislation and social pressures. Most white Americans today either engage in or condone race mixing, promiscuity, sodomy, drug use, illegal immigration, and myriad other expressions of degeneracy, and there is little hope that they would change their ways without being forced to do so. This mass of citizens is unworthy of American freedom; the only true Americans are those whom the Founding Fathers would have judged to be worthy of freedom, and this group makes up an ever smaller portion of the population. When approaching the difficult task of saving our nation from destruction, those of us who hold to the true founding principles of America must come to understand that we have a right to freedom and self-government, but those who are enslaved to their degenerate passions do not. America being “the land of the free” does not mean that this is the land where everyone is free to do whatever he wants, it means that this is the land where those who are morally worthy of freedom reside. In order to attain victory a patriotic remnant must first secede spiritually and realize that our eventual return to the founding vision will require us either to abandon the slavish masses or force them into line.