HIS EXCELLENCY Donald Trump’s Speech at the UN

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2018


A brighter future for all of America.

Trump has done more than anyone in history in two years.


Stock market, jobs, people good. This shit is amazing. Four million new jobs. Tax cuts. Reforms. Border wall. Border security. $700 billion dollars of war machines. Most powerful military ever.

US is stronger, safer, richer.

Standing up for America. And the world.

Good for peace.

Nations should be respectful.

We’ve all got cultures.

America will always choose nationalism over global government.

The US isn’t going to tell you what to do as long as you don’t fuck with our shit.

I do partnerships – people support us.

We fixed North Korea. We’re denuclearizing. No one could have ever imagined how good this is.

Chairman Kim is courageous and has a good work ethic.

Thanks for those who helped this great moment, which people don’t understand the greatness of.

Middle East something is changing. Saudi Arabia will maybe stop supporting terrorism.

Bloodthirsty ISIS has been driven out.

Syria is heartbreaking. Have to deescalate and provide a political solution.

The US will stop chemical weapons **cringe**.

Iran has a corrupt dictatorship of death.

Iran’s leaders are tricksters and thieves – not good.

An agenda of aggression.

Many countries supported end of nuclear deal.

Something something something bloody agenda.

More about Iran.

Moved US embassy to Jerusalem for peace reasons (???).

Principled realism. No more old dogmas and experts.

Peace and prosperity.


Bad trade deals from everyone. Countries abused us and dumped their crap on us. They manipulated their currencies.

$800 billion trade deficit.

We are systematically renegotiating.

We made a deal with Mexico.

We made a deal with Korea.

Just the beginning.

WTO is a fake organization that allows for a rigging of systems and product dumping and the theft of intellectual property.

We lost all our factories with China in the WTO.

Those days are over.

We won’t tolerate abuse and plundering.

America won’t apologize for protecting herself.

We got China again for billions.

Xi is good, situation is unacceptable. Bad deal.

America will always act in national interests.

UN human rights council is a joke.

“Nikki Haley.”

Also ignoring the ICC. They have no jurisdiction and this is unjust. They are unelected and unaccountable.

We reject globalism, embrace patriotism.

New forms of domination on the rise.

We will export energy.

OPEC is ripping off the whole world – I don’t like it, nobody should like it.

We defend nations for nothing, then they take advantage of us with high oil prices. We want them to lower prices. They have to give us money. We won’t put up with horrible prices. We are being extorted.

We congratulate Poland.

Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy.

We are going to be independent.

**German guy shakes head**

We are going to screen foreign investments.

Other people should be doing the same to protect themselves.

We are stopping latin American migration – this is an inhumane trafficking scheme. It is cruel. Very, very. Funding illegal immigration, drugs, gangs.

A vicious cycle.

Uphold borders and destroy criminal gangs.

Every nation has the right to set its own immigration policy. Including the United States.

We will not participate in the global compact on immigration.

The only long term solution to the migration crisis is for people to make their own countries great again.

Venezuela is having bad troubles. Socialism bankrupt them. Abject poverty.

Socialism and communism produce corruption and decay. Oppression. All nations should resist socialism.

**Swedish women look uncomfortable**

New sanctions on Venezuela announced.

The US is the world’s largest giver – few give anything to us. We’re taking a hard look at US foreign aid.

We are only going to give foreign aid to our friends. We want people to give us money if they want things from us.

The US will not pay more than 25% of the peacekeeping budget.

We are shifting funding to better programs.

It really is something.

Countries are doing things.

Dreams of destiny.

The whole world is richer.

We are all shining stars.

Americans know what kind of future we want. We believe in freedoms. The rule of law. Our culture build on family, faith and independence. We celebrate heroes, treasure traditions, love our country.

Reform and revolution.



Don’t erase – embrace.

Make the world better.

Sovereign nations are the only ones with freedom. We must protect independence.

That will lead to peace.

A more beautiful world.

Let’s all choose patriotism.

Forever thankful for God.

God bless you.

First Take

It was mainly boring, as I expected.

Some stupid Middle East stuff – particularly the Assad chemical weapons line was distasteful. But overall, it was an anti-globalist speech to a bunch of globalists. Better than expected in general, though unsurprisingly boring.

I was hoping for a rampage. He condemned a lot of people, but he did it softly.

He effectively promoted ethnic nationalism, and appeared to be aggressive towards the EU among other globalist organizations.

I give it a 3/5, considering the venue and so on.

Here’s the ongoing stream, for anyone interested in the rest of today’s speeches.