Living Large in the Land of Rape and Honey

Daily Stormer
January 11, 2017

Indeed they are

Time and time again, we here at The Daily Stormer ask the following question: Why are these people in our country?

In response to this simple but important query, both the anti-White left and the cuckservative GOP establishment types have always told us “They do the jobs White Americans just won’t do.”

It turns out that they were right, just not in the way they meant to be right. These people are here to mass rape our children!

CBS Los Angeles:

An undocumented immigrant from El Salvador suspected of sexually assaulting a five-year-old girl in Fullerton was on the run Wednesday, police said.

Rigoberto Arevalo Cubias, 30, was identified as a suspect in what Fullerton police say was a “possible sexual assault” after officers responded to an “out of area” hospital back on Dec. 21.

Rigoberto was a chico bueno, he dindunuffin. He was on his way to mow a church’s lawn for free!

As if this weren’t bad enough, it turns out he’s another criminal beaner who was out on bond for other typical beaner behavior when he raped this child.

Cubias has an outstanding $50,000 arrest warrant for a DUI from 2014 under the name “Jose Cubias” and police say he uses multiple aliases, including Jose Cubias, Jose Cubias Arevalo, Jose Riberto Cubias, and Jose Alfonso Cubias Arevalo.

Now bear in mind, this all happened in Orange County, California, whose county seat, Santa Ana, in defiance of both Glorious Leader and common sense, officially declared themselves a sanctuary city a little over a month ago!

Yes friends, you can basically tick every box on the “This Happens Every Time” scorecard.

Despite living in a state where they hand out driver’s licenses to wetbacks like they’re food stamps (we all know how burro jockeys love them some welfare), he’s a wanted criminal and has so far made it nearly three years by allegedly operating on a fraudulent driver’s license!

Investigators later said Cubias – who is undocumented may be in possession of a fraudulent California driver’s license – was suspected of engaging in sexual intercourse or sodomy with a child under the age of 10 years old.

Gibsmedat license, gringo bastardo! I got keeds to rape!

But, as hard as California tried, they just could not make it easy enough for him to operate legally. I honestly don’t think any amount of effort could do that. Beaners are just a criminal people. As a whole, they feel they have the right to break our laws and forge our documents because they want to work tax free while drawing the gringo’s generous welfare benefits. And those are the good ones!

The bad ones are really bad, and they prove that we are in the middle of a hot race war, and the only people who seem unaware of it are normie Whites. Even they can’t ignore it much longer.

Remember when I said “mass rape?” Well, before someone starts squealing at me that one case doesn’t equal mass rape, allow me to point out that in 2014, 4317 illegals were charged with sexually assaulting children, in North Carolina alone!

That is an epidemic. Rape on this scale is a weapon of war. There is no other way to look at it.

Isn’t it strange how, no matter where on the planet White people have a country, (((someone))) has found a group of swarthy savages to come mass-rape their women and children, at the expense of the White taxpayers? In Europe, it’s the Moslems. In the USA it’s the wetbacks, and they’ve been importing Somalian and Syrian rape-apes as quickly as they could get away with it.

Gee, thanks kikes!

It’s time to put a stop to this.

No mas chinga chinga!
Nicht mehr ficki ficki!

You swarthy rapists had better find a new plan, because one way or another, we will secure the existence of our people, and a country for White children!

The 14 words. Know them. Love them. Live them.