Local Rabbi Vandalizes His Own Synagogue, Demonstrates Poor Art Skills

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2018

Restart the counter.

More Jewish shenanigans to guilt-trip the goyim.


Social media users have called on state legislators to pass a hate crime law in Indiana, after Nazi symbols were discovered on a wall at the refuse disposal shed wall of a synagogue in Hamilton County, Indiana.

Sometime before Saturday morning, unknown individual(s) spray-painted a pair of Nazi flags and iron cross graffiti on two walls of a brick shed where trash cans are stored at the property of Congregation Shaarey Tefilla in Carmel, Indiana.

After the synagogue notified the police about the defacement, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis have been working to make sure that “appropriate measures” are taken following the incident. 

I have to say, at the very least they got the windmill of peace and tolerance right this time.

The usual cucks are coming out to comment on this, as if it is worthy of national news:

“These images that represent the ideas that led to those [Holocaust] crimes are not reflective of what our City stands for,” Mayor Jim Brainard said in a statement on Sunday, confirming that police are investigating the graffiti incident.

As members of the synagogue expressed disgust over the Nazi symbols, Vice President Mike Pence tweeted that he too was “sickened and appalled by the cowardly act of vandalism.” He was joined by a chorus of politicians condemning the incident. The Governor of Indiana Eric Holcomb has taken the case under his wing, urging police to work with the FBI to bring those responsible to be treated with “the fullest extent of our law”. 

Over what??

The FBI needs to be brought in to investigate graffiti? And when they find that Rabbi Shlomoberg is responsible, then what?

Well, that’s when it gets memory-holed again, I suppose.

Seriously – is there a single one of these “swastika on a synagogue” cases that has not turned out to be a Jewish false flag (or gone mysteriously unsolved)? It is technically, theoretically possible, but I don’t remember a single such case.

It is so gratifying to see you guys in the RT comments section btw.

Jew fatigue is hitting an all-time high. No one is buying this garbage. People are poking fun at it instead of acting all sanctimonious and outraged.


That’s not going to stop these kikes from trying to use incidents like this to push Hate Crime legislation.

Just like they are still using the false flag bomb threats to Jewish centers in their “hate crimes” reports to demand more laws.

Some social media users found that call to be unconvincing, not least because Indiana remains one of only five states in the US that does not have hate crime laws. Therefore, prosecuting someone for vandalism might not be appropriate, given the scope of the crime.

After the most recent bill to address hate crimes was dropped from the state legislature’s agenda in January this year, Indiana is not bound to address the issue until at least 2019.

Thank you for your statements, Governor. But ‘the fullest extent of our law does not include a hate-crimes statute. When will you stand up for that? Forty-five other states have hate-crimes laws, but Indiana does not. Will you work to remedy?” one Twitter user pleaded. 

One nagging Jew shrew on Twitter does not a social movement demanding change make.

Any sane society would either stuff her in the oven or publically humiliate her for concern-trolling.


RT is going to slowly discover that the only people reading their stuff in the West are the Neon-Nazis now. That should be a real head-scratcher for the Russian liberals running RT lmao.

But the world is realigning. New political belief clusters are being drawn. Coalitions being formed. Former enemies becoming allies.

Journalists need to get with the times or get left behind.