LOL: Elon Musk Blows Up Another Rocket, Holocausts Israeli-Jew Facebook Satellite

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2016


tfw that bitch done exploded again

Is it time to call Elon Musk a terrorist? Every single rocket he tries to launch blows up.

#spacex #falcon9 explodes on launchpad.

A video posted by RT (@rt) on

This time a persecuted Jew satellite was Holocausted in the explosion.


Facebook’s controversial efforts to bring internet access to the developing world are now on hold, after the $200mn Israeli satellite it hoped to use was destroyed during Thursday’s explosion of a SpaceX rocket in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket exploded during a pre-launch “static fire test,” destroying the AMOS-6 satellite along with it.

Why would you attach a $200 million satellite to an Elon Musk fail-rocket, Jews?

You know it’s going to blow up at some point. They all do.

I am almost suspecting this is some sort of insurance fraud going on here.

A number of different players from around the world had a stake in the communication satellite’s launch, scheduled for this Saturday.

AMOS-6 was part of a partnership between the social media giant and French satellite operator Eutelsat worth $95 million, which was supposed to pay for the lease of “Ka-band spot-beam broadband capacity” with “18 gigabits per second of throughput,” according to Space News.

The satellite was built by Israel Aerospace Industries, which last week agreed to a $285m buy-out from China’s Beijing Xinwei Technology Group, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Yeah, they put it where they knew it was going to get blown up right before a buy-out.

Definitely suspicious, no?

It will be interesting to see where the insurance money goes, though I assume it goes to the chinks, if the deal was already signed. The rocket’s likelihood to blow-up was no doubt part of the negotiations.

If the sale is successful, the Chinese conglomerate will take on the Israeli company’s debt of 1.478b shekels ($390m).

Spacecom estimated the cost of launching, insuring, and operating AMOS-6 for one year would be $85m.

SpaceX confirmed the payload was on board the Falcon 9 during the pre-launch test when the explosion occurred.

The incident has been attributed to an “anomaly” on the launch pad, rather than a problem with the rocket.

The snide little prick also needs to be charged with fraud over this government-funded Tesla car hoax.

This guy is the living avatar of failure itself.

Somehow I still see people shilling for him like, “oh my god Elon Musk wow my god he’s a genius.”

This is where we are at as a society. Dress well, have an accent and say you’re a genius and everyone just believes it no matter how many rockets you blow up or how much taxpayer money you manage to throw down the bottomless pit of an electric car hoax.


Related: Elon Musk is an Obvious Fraud