Looks Like Hillary’s Win in Iowa was a Rip-Off

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2016


Surprise, goyim, surprise!

I don’t much care about the Democrat numbers.

But if Hillary ripped-off Bernie – and it appears that she did – why should we not assume the GOP ripped-off Trump?


The slim margin by which Hillary Clinton won the Iowa caucuses shrank even narrower after the Iowa Democratic Party said Sunday it found counting errors in five of the 14 precincts it double-checked.

The Democratic Party announced Sunday that Clinton won 700.47 state delegate equivalents (SDEs) to Sanders’ 696.92 SDEs — a razor-thin percentage of caucus goers equal to 49.84%-49.59%.

The party determined that Clinton lost .122 SDEs in the recounting, Sanders gained .1053 and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley gained .0167.