Lying AIDS Negro Given 8 Years for Killing Coalburner by Infecting Her with AIDS

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2018

Ronald Murdock.

Sometimes it is fast and done by a bullet/knife/fire, sometimes it’s slow and a result of some disease.

One thing is certain, coalburners always pay the toll eventually.

Toledo Blade:

Ron J. Murdock first learned he was HIV-positive in 2004. On Wednesday, the Toledo man was sentenced to eight years in prison for failing to tell his late girlfriend of his status.

Kimberly Klempner, 51, died from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, last year.

“No one deserved to give my mother her death sentence. No one,” Joshua Klempner told the court in a statement read by his mother’s sister, Michele Dail. “The defendant did just that. A selfish act that could have been avoided if the defendant would have just spoke up and told the truth about the disease.”

Murdock, 52, of the 3200 block of Craigmoor Avenue had been indicted for murder but pleaded no contest to a reduced charge of involuntary manslaughter. Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Stacy Cook found him guilty and immediately sentenced him to prison.

Kimberly Klempner.