Lying Criminal Beaners Pretend to be Families to Subvert the White Man’s Laws

Daily Stormer
November 23, 2016


We have no intention of breaking up families

In what The Washington Times describes as “a bold new strategy to sneak into the U.S.,” diseased wetback invaders are pretending to be families in order to better play on the heartstrings of White people.

Because life as an illegal immigrant in America is dandy-fine. You get a welfare check, EBT, food card, medicaid, free Spanish-language education for their putrid progeny, and free Section 8 housing (because why should a beaner have to pay it’s way, you racist-nazi-kkk?!?), all while working for cash, thus paying nothing back into the system which sees to their every need.

The Washington Times:

Illegal immigrants are trying a bold new strategy to sneak into the U.S. — pairing up with unrelated children and pretending to be families, fabricating tales of heart-rending woes back home to try to convince border agents to admit them into the country, according to internal Homeland Security documents reviewed by The Washington Times.

That is one of the tactics feeding the surge of illegal immigrants in recent months, which the Border Patrol’s intelligence unit says was part of a pre-election rush to try to get into the country. The U.S. set records for illegal immigrant children and families in fiscal year 2016 and is on pace to break those records one month into fiscal year 2017.

Intelligence analysts said the patterns are shifting as migrants figure out how to game the system.

You mean they haven’t been “gaming the system” for decades now? This is just another adjustment in the ethnic wars that have been raging along the border all this time, and we wouldn’t even know about it if it weren’t for some reporters doing FOIA requests for these documents.


Third world poverty is so cute! You even get matching sneakers!

If this isn’t another perfect example of why we should never allow a single one of these brown crooks into our country, I don’t know what is.

We don't need your stinkin' recipes!

We don’t need your stinkin’ recipes!

These taco-benders provide absolutely nothing our culture or society needs. They are, by far, a net deficit: An ugly, amoral people who bring crime, gangs, drug traffic, street war, murder for hire and many other horrible things we rarely, if ever, experienced before the tsunami of diversity began washing over our borders.


They just want us to pay their way until they’re strong enough to kill us.

At this point, many will say, “but Azzmador, many, if not most of them, are not criminals. They’re just honest people looking for a job.”


Every single wetback in the USA is indeed a criminal. Words mean stuff, and illegal means, well, “illegal.” Even if you take away the huge economic toll of paying for virtually every expense these people incur while allowing unscrupulous businessmen to hire them for less than market standard wages while paying no taxes on them, we’re better off without them. Just having them here instills a lack of respect for our laws and our sovereignty among a large percentage of our own people.


Don’t you stingy goyim want to support this poor, starving brown child?

Despite what the Jews and their media tell us, we cannot govern and base our laws on feels. We have to deal with the world as it is, not as we wish it were, based on some estrogen-infused Lifetime Network made-for-TV weep-fest.

It has become so easy to sneak into the U.S. as a family that some aren’t even bothering to pay smugglers. Instead, they are making the trip on their own and saving thousands of dollars in fees. That has made the trip affordable for illegal immigrants who wouldn’t have made the journey otherwise, the analysts said in the documents.


Making the journey now only assures a very uncomfortable trip back. Your departure date will be  Friday, January 20, 2017!

What scum! They are using their own mestizo chilluns to break the laws of the USA. Morally, this is no different than some dindu stuffing a couple of pounds of crack in her baby’s diaper to try and get past airport security. It’s just one of the lowest forms of mendacity in which one can engage.

“Some family units have shifted from using [smugglers] to movement facilitated by family-supported coaching and assistance because it is widely believed that the U.S. will allow them to enter if they travel with a child and claim that they have a fear of returning back to their home country,” the analysts said.


I wonder who could be telling them this?

In some cases, smugglers pair unrelated children with adults and coach the youngsters to lie so they can bamboozle agents into admitting them as families. In other instances, families will split up and each parent will take a child, making it more likely that they will all be quickly released.

These burro jockeys will never believe we mean what we say until the wall goes up and we start rigorous enforcement of our border security and immigration/foreign labor laws.