Macron Says “Everyone is Completely Fucked”

I’m getting pretty darn tired of people saying something is going to happen while nothing ever happens.

He didn’t actually say “completely fucked.” He said “Le Fucked Absoluto.”

I don’t totally read his meaning, though I do understand the framing.


The EU is facing a record number of “external and internal enemies,” who pose an existential threat to the bloc, French President Emmanuel Macron has said, doubling down on a warning he’d given earlier, that “our Europe” could end up dying.

Macron made the remarks while speaking alongside Germany’s head of state, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on the first of his three-day state visit. The two attended the Festival of Democracy, held in Berlin’s government quarter, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the country’s constitution.

I think that we are experiencing a moment in our Europe which is existential because I really believe that our Europe can die,” Macron stated, referring to a keynote speech he’d delivered in April.

Let’s hope so.

I hope everyone dies.

The French president urged a vote for pro-EU forces in the upcoming European elections, warning the bloc has “never had so many enemies inside and outside” as it has now. The purported internal enemies are apparently European nationalists, with their rise raising questions about democracy itself, Macron asserted.

“There is a form of fascination with authoritarianism which is born in our own democracies … which also feeds nationalism and other extremes on our continent,” he claimed.

Who are the internal enemies?

Talking about rooting out internal enemies is hardcore, Joe Biden style shit.

He was in Germany, so he could have been talking about AfD. He might also be talking about Le Pen. Frankly, some kind of massive purge attempt by the analists would be hilarious, as it’s going to result in half the European population begging Putin to come liberate them.

Macron painted a grim picture of “nationalists” entering government, alleging that they would have failed to tackle Covid-19 and shown “no capacity to respond to migration challenges,” climate change issues, and so on.

I’m glad we’re all clear on the fact that the right-wing is not in support of virus and weather hoaxes.

It’s funny to claim that this is the threat they present.

People say Macron needs to go back to clown school, but he seems to have graduated with honors.

“We would have abandoned backing Ukraine against Russia, which all the nationalists in our countries support. And, therefore, history would have not been the same,” the president alleged.

“For all these reasons, it is important to vote in the Europeans,” he concluded.

Yeah, I agree we should vote in the Europeans instead of the Pakis and niggers.


But he’s right.

The real ones are against the hoaxes, they are pro-Russia.

Basically, we want a Europe dominated by Russia instead of Germany.

It would have been really cool if Hitler had dominated Europe, but that moment passed. Now we want a Russian Europe. Russians are the last Europeans, and we want them to be the dominant player. They are also the ones with the links to China and therefore the $$$$$$$$$$$.

That’s what we need. We don’t need more fucking windmills and genetic death shots. We want trade, we want money, we want skinny bitches and sports and highly refined tequilas and frigging, like, robots and shit.

We’ve all had enough niggers and windmills to last an eternity. You think about the course of a lifetime, and the human experiences, and like, I’ve had more than enough niggers and windmills.

I want robots and hardcore you know, racism and sexism and like, homos getting thrown off roofs.

I’m not the minority anymore.

The world has seen what virus hoaxes and “ultra nigger mania” does to a nation.