Maine: Town Manager Caught-Out as White Separatist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2018

Okay, guys.

We need to tighten-up this ship.

If you’re in politics, and you want to go to higher levels of politics, you can’t say you’re a white separatist.

Not yet, at least.

Fox News:

The town manager of a small northern Maine community is under fire for promoting white separatist views and making comments critical of Islam, it was reported Saturday.

Jackman Town manager Thomas Kawczynksi, 37, says he is the leader of New Albion, a racial segregationist movement that wants to preserve the white majority of northern New England and Atlantic Canada.

“I am not a white supremacist. I am not a racist,” Kawczynski told the Portland Press Herald. “What gets me in trouble sometimes is I am a white person who is not ashamed to be white.”

He told the paper he opposed Islam because it was “not compatible with Western culture.”

The paper interviewed the pastor of First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Portland who said that what Kawczynski was doing was awful.

“He’s going against everything that is American and what we stand for,” the Rev. Christinia Sillari said. “He needs to be stopped.”

“Wow,” American Civil Liberties Union of Maine legal director Zachary Heiden said in The Bangor Daily News, calling Kawczynski’s views “shockingly racist.”

The Bangor Daily News reported Friday that Kawczynski frequently shared his political views on the far-right website GAB and his personal Facebook page.

Kawczynski told the paper he doesn’t run Jackman town affairs in a way that discriminates against anyone. The town, near the Canadian border, has 860 residents.

I know most of you guys are not saying this stuff.

But this guy is going to get run-out by the kikes and that is bad, so it’s good to look at this as a lesson.

I know tons of you are in local government, and you just need to remember to chill. Keep your social media scrubbed clean.

Our time is coming soon, but it isn’t our time yet.