Malmo, Sweden: Police Baffled Looking for Connection Between String of Gang-Rapes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2017

The strength of diversity is self-evident.

A connection between a string of gang-rapes in Sweden?

Some mysteries simply weren’t meant to be solved – because to do so would be pure mindless hatred for the color of the skin.

Best to just let sleeping gang-rapists lie.


Yet another woman has been assaulted in the Swedish city of Malmo in another case of suspected gang rape, the fourth in just two months.

The attacks come as activists started nightly street patrols to reassure the community. Police said they do not yet see any apparent link between the appalling attacks, amid the ongoing investigations.

The victim, who is said to be over 18, was attacked by several unidentified assailants in Malmo’s Hogaholm district overnight to Friday. She eventually managed to get home by herself and alerted police. An investigation into a suspected gang rape is underway as police believe several people were involved.

The woman suffered only minor physical injuries but was deeply traumatized by the experience, police said. No one has been detained so far, as police continue examining forensic evidence and questioning the woman.

The latest attack comes as Malmo grapples with a spate of similar incidents in which three women were raped by several assailants in different districts of the city, notorious for its thriving gang culture and crime. Earlier in December, a 17-year-old teenage girl was gang raped in a children’s playground in Hasselgatan. The other two cases occurred in November and saw women being sexually assaulted by a number of men as well. And while police said they recovered traces of DNA from some of the crime scenes, no charges have been brought in either so far. The spike in violence against women even forced police to warn against venturing alone after dark. Faced with backlash, they later retracted the warning calling it “unfortunate.”


Gang-rape is no reason not to go out alone. It’s a risk people just have to deal with. Like car accidents. I mean, you don’t not drive a car because you might have an accident. Just so, you don’t not go for a walk alone at night simply because there are Islamic rape gangs roaming the streets outside your home.

Such a suggestion by the police isn’t simply sexist: it’s racist.

Meanwhile, Malmo police believe it’s unlikely the series of crimes are somehow connected. Referring to the two December attacks which appear to share the same pattern, Malmo police spokesman Nils Norling said “you cannot immediately say that they are linked to each other but you cannot rule it out either.” He added that police are not done investigating the events, and are still not even able to definitely confirm the number of suspects involved in each of the sexual crimes. A police unit, specializing in criminal profiling, has been tasked with determining if there is a distinct pattern traceable in all the crimes.

You’ll notice that it is only the registered Russian agent RT that is reporting this story in English.

This is because the diabolical Russians know that if they can remove the joys of multiculturalism from the West, we will be easy to conquer.

Diversity is our greatest strength. And Russians fear that strength. So they want to undermine it by telling people that it leads to gang-rape.

But I can tell you this, friend: no one ever made an omelet without breaking a few eggs. And if Europeans want to enjoy the great strength that comes from diversity, they are going to have to also deal with constant gang-rapes, terrorist attacks and welfare leeching, along with a collapse of their basic social order.

It’s also high-time we cracked down on people asking “why is diversity our greatest strength? what does that statement even mean?”

Because there is only one reason a person would ask that question: pure hatred for the color of the skin.