Man Yelled “WOMP WOMP” and Pulled a Gun IN SELF DEFENSE at Pro-Invasion Protest

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2018

Sadly, it looks like he missed my fashion advice essay

I think the way this story is being reported is completely fake.

The story that appears to be being told here – if you read between the lines of the lying Jew media – is that this guy showed up to counter-protest with a funny sign and shouted “WOMP WOMP” and got attacked and pulled his gun in self-defense.


A man who mimicked the derisive remarks of former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and brandished a handgun at immigration protesters in Alabama over the weekend was charged with menacing and reckless endangerment, reported Sunday.

Details of the altercation were also reported by The Washington Post.

With a gun tucked into the waistband of his pants, Shane Ryan Sealy shouted “womp womp” and carried a sign that said “ICE ICE baby” as he walked in front of protesters gathered in Huntsville, Alabama, part of a nationwide series of marches on Saturday against the Trump administration’s immigration policies.

As an Episcopal priest delivered a prayer at the protest, Sealy allegedly got into an altercation with a protester that began as a shoving match and escalated once Sealy drew his firearm.

If the other guy shoved him first, then pulling a gun was not out of order in Alabama.

In fact, he probably just could have gone ahead and shot him. Alabama is a “no duty to retreat” state.

No shots were fired and Sealy, a former high school teacher, put his gun back into his pants and began to walk away, trailed by a handful of protesters. He was arrested by police for possessing a gun within 1,000 feet of a protest. The charges of menacing and reckless endangerment are misdemeanors.

Sealy’s “womp womp” taunts were in reference to Lewandowski’s appearance on Fox News last month, when he made the derisive remark as a fellow panelist made mention of a child with Down syndrome who reportedly had been separated from her family because of the Trump administration’s policy of splitting children and parents who enter the U.S. illegally.

Yeah, I would be really surprised if he was convicted of anything here.

It’s totally insane that the media reports “man shouts ‘WOMP WOMP’ as he pulls gun on immigration advocates.”

It was not clear until the actual arrest and charges were filed what actually happened. But the only reason he was arrested is because it is apparently illegal to have a firearm at a protest – something he obviously didn’t know, as he was open carrying. That is probably some weird civil rights era law.

If it wasn’t for that, he would have just been booked and given a court date for the misdemeanors, and probably have them dismissed by a public defender.