Manhattan: People Pelting Jews, Vandalizing Jewish Stores

So, they’re coming for the Jews, huh?


I guess the Jews should have… behaved better?

New York Post:

Two Orthodox Jewish men were pelted with unknown objects while walking on the Upper West Side on Sunday, cops and a city councilman say — the third possible antisemitic incident in the neighborhood over the weekend.

The two Jewish men, ages 65 and 19, were wearing “traditional garb including a headscarf and hat” while waiting to cross the north crosswalk at West 100th Street and West End Avenue in Manhattan when a passing car tossed the objects at them a little after 9 p.m., according to police.

The men told cops that the objects caused temporary pain but did not leave any marks.

No objects were recovered from the scene, police said.

The incident marks at least the third possible instance of antisemitism on the Upper West Side over the weekend.

On Saturday, the outside of the popular American-Israeli restaurant Effy’s Cafe at 96th Street and Columbus Avenue was covered in spray-painted messages that read “Free Gaza” and “Form a line here to support genocide.”

I think we can note, without hysteria, that it’s true that this happened in Germany a couple of years before Jews were rounded up and shoved onto trains and shipped to camps in Poland.

These people are of course saying “it’s not Jews, it’s Zionists,” but even the Nazis were saying “well, not every single Jew is like that.” There were thousands of Jews living in Berlin in 1945 when the war ended. That’s a factoid you don’t hear often: every Jew was not even sent to a camp.

So, “Zionists not all Jews” is an irrelevant distinction. Virtually every Jew is a Zionist, in that they support the existence of a Jewish state, even if they say they don’t support the Gaza slaughter. Of course, if you support the existence of a Jewish state in Palestine, you can’t say “I don’t support the slaughter though” because apparently, a Jewish state can’t exist without committing slaughters of innocent people.