Marxist Democrats Fear Violent Nazi Uprising if Donald Trump Loses

Daily Stormer
October 18, 2016

Donald Trump shown here with his Nazi supporters.

Marxist Democrats are fearing a violent Nazi uprising if Donald Trump loses.


Washington Times:

In Democratic circles, the talk about the presidential election has increasingly turned to fears of a violent uprising by white supremacists and neo-Nazis if Donald Trump loses.

The nervous talk holds that Mr. Trump’s alleged racist followers are being primed to take to the streets to challenge election results should Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton prevail Nov. 8. They say Mr. Trump’s followers reveal their revolutionary fervor at rallies by chanting “lock her up” about the former secretary of state.

“Should we take the concern seriously? I think so,” said Ben Manski, a liberal activist leading the group No More Stolen Elections, which was formed in reaction to Republican George W. Bush’s win in the contested 2000 election.

“I don’t take neo-Nazis lightly. I have encountered them, and I am a Jew,” he said. “They don’t operate by the same set of rules that the rest of us do.”

While a Neo-Nazi uprising is one possible outcome, it is honestly hard to predict what is going to happen after the election. Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be the most corrupt political figure in American history. It would be unacceptable to many Americans for her to hold the highest office in the land.

What’s important to understand is that this is not a view held exclusively by Nazis. The people showing up at Trump rallies in the thousands and tens of thousands want her put in jail for her crimes. There is also verifiable proof that the FBI investigation into her illegal e-mail server was rigged. It was not a legitimate investigation. Trump himself has gone so far as to call for an investigation into the investigation.


What the Marxists should be fearing more than anything is some type of uprising – violent or otherwise – from the American people. Of course they seem to view all Trump supporter as Nazis, so I guess it’s the same difference.