Mass Heroin Overdoses: We Need Right-Wing Death Squads and We Need Them Quickly

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2016

The Punisher

Our society has a serious problem. Thankfully, the solution couldn’t be any simpler.

Jews, women and various faggots have voiced strong opposition to calls for a Right-Wing Death Squad program, which would involve masked vigilantes on motorcycles gunning down drug dealers and other criminals in the street.

The main arguments against such a program are “human rights” and “democracy.” However, studies show that no one has any idea what either of those terms mean, with many people believing they are totally meaningless buzzwords used to justify the complete destruction of society by Jews.

We have a problem in this country, people. A problem which is being ignored, given that it mainly effects White males. That problem is called “heroin.”

Drug syringe and cooked heroin on spoon
Drug syringe and cooked heroin on spoon

And I have a solution to this problem. That solution is called “Right-Wing Death Squads on motorcycles.”

USA Today:

Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying the source of heroin sold here that caused scores of overdoses, including at least three deaths. More than 200 people in four states have been victims of what law enforcement officials are calling a supercharged form of the sedative, and one additional person died in Indiana.”We’re working very closely to find the source dealer,” said Police Chief Tom Synan of Newtown, Ohio, who heads the law enforcement task force for the Hamilton County Heroin Coalition. He said local, state and federal authorities are combining their forces to investigate the source or sources. “We don’t have anything solid to go off of.”

The toll here has risen to an estimated 78 overdoses Tuesday and Wednesday alone and an estimated 174 overdose cases in emergency rooms in less than a week.

…A similar cluster of overdoses occurred Aug. 15 in Huntington, W.Va., where 27 people overdosed within five hours, one fatally.

“This is unprecedented to see as many alerts as we’ve seen in the last six days,” said Tim Ingram, health commissioner for Hamilton County where Cincinnati is the largest city. A surveillance system alerts the public health department when an unusual number of drug-related emergency-room encounters occur.

Deaths have not spiked along with the overdose reports because police officers or emergency medical technicians are immediately administering naloxone, sometimes in more than one dose, to bring heroin users back to consciousness and start them breathing.

Cincinnati typically sees an average of four overdoses a day, according to a memo from City Manager Harry Black.

“It’s unlike anything we’ve seen before,” said Hamilton County Commissioner Dennis Deters, who called the outbreak a public health emergency.

The number of overdoses reported this week in the Cincinnati area has grown because several more agencies have added cases, officials said. The surveillance system does not give specifics but alerts on a breach of a threshold.

No samples of the Cincinnati-area drugs are available to test yet, according to Synan and Cincinnati Police Lt. Col. Mike John. The victims could have injected heroin mixed with the potent painkiller fentanyl or the mega-potent animal opioid carfentanil.

Carfentanil, an analgesic for large animals including elephants, was discovered in July in the region’s heroin stream. In the memo, Black said carfentanil is believed to be the cause of the overdose spike the city is seeing now.

When an officer doesn’t know if a person has overdosed on heroin, it’s OK to hit them with a dose or two of naloxone, said Dr. Erik Kochert, program director in York Hospital’s emergency room. Police in the Pennsylvania county of almost 450,000 already have administered the opioid antidote almost 250 times this year.

Even if the patient didn’t overdose, naloxone won’t cause any harm. It would just make a person wake up and experience withdrawal, Kochert said, which is better than not breathing.

Officials in Akron and Columbus have reported carfentanil in heroin found in their cities as well. Both locations have suffered from bouts of overdoses.

Hospitals in the region are not equipped to test blood for the animal opioid, which is rare and only in July surfaced in Greater Cincinnati’s street heroin.

…Addiction experts across the nation consider it urgent to get to overdose survivors as quickly as possible to steer them into treatment. But that doesn’t mean enough treatment is available.

“People overwhelmingly want help, but we have to have a place to take them,” said Nan Franks, a facilitator for the Addiction Services Council of Cincinnati.

If all of those who need addiction treatment were to seek it at once, enough help wouldn’t be available, she said.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration has been on alert for carfentanil since its appearance in U.S. and at the Canadian border, said Melvin Patterson, a DEA spokesman in Washington. Officials have little doubt that the carfentanil that’s showing up in street drugs is from overseas, just as fentanyl is manufactured and brought across the U.S. borders.

He has heard some reports of it going directly to Canada and being intercepted by Mexican drug organizations, he said.

John, who is the Cincinnati Police Department’s special services commander, said the week of overdoses has taken a toll on his force.

“It’s been exhausting,” John said. “They’re running from one run to another.”

Instead of focusing on cleaning up specific forms of heroin, or these stupid and useless treatment programs, we need to get the drugs off of the streets.

And we need to do it quickly.

There is only one option for this – it starts with “Right-Wing” and ends with “Squads,” and it involves motorcycles and fully-automatic handguns.


Our social order cannot continue to bear this weight.

We need a solution.

And to be honest fam, there’s only one solution here.

rwds now