Mass Shooting in El Paso Walmart! 20 Dead! Shooter is WHITE! Nazi???

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2019

Update: Full Text of Alleged Manifesto

It’s totally shocking to me that someone would take a gun into a place with a bunch of people and just start shooting at them.

What a crazy event!

What’s even crazier is that this only happened a few hours ago and the prolific country singer Marty Robbins already rushed into the studio to record a song about it.

But the question in everyone’s frontal lobes is this: is this “Texas Red” fellow a NAZI?

One thing is for sure: the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen more.

Fox News:

A gunman killed 20 people and injured 26 others Saturday after he opened fire at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, state and city officials said.

“Texas grieves,” said Gov. Greg Abbott at an evening news conference following the deadliest mass shooting in America since a gunman killed 26 people at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas in November 2017.

“The scene was a horrific one,” said El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen, who added that many of the injured had life-threatening injuries.

The suspected gunman has not been publicly named, but two law enforcement officials identified him to The Associated Press as 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, a native of the Dallas area.

It was unclear what connection the suspect had to El Paso. Allen said investigators were examining a manifesto that may have been written by the suspect and would indicate a “nexus to a hate crime,” but declined to offer details. The suspect will likely face capital murder charges, Allen said.

Allen said his department received initial reports of the shooting at 10:39 a.m. and first responders arrived six minutes later. Police asked people to stay away from the area and to look for missing family members at a school being used as a reunification area. El Paso Police Sgt. Enrique Carrillo told reporters shortly before 1 p.m. that one person was in custody and there was no longer an “imminent threat” to the area.

At an earlier news conference, El Paso Police Sgt. Robert Gomez said the suspect was taken into custody without incident and no law enforcement officers fired their weapons. The Walmart was near capacity at the time of the shooting, with as many as 3,000 people inside along with 100 employees during the busy back-to-school shopping season.

Three thousand people in a Walmart.

Yes, we are living in hell.

“This is unprecedented in El Paso,” said Gomez.

Ryan Mielke, a spokesman for University Medical Center of El Paso, told Fox News that 13 patients — 1 of whom died at the hospital — were being treated at the facility’s Level 1 trauma center. Mielke told the Associated Press that two children, ages 2 and 9, were stabilized at the medical center before being transferred to the neighboring El Paso Children’s Hospital.

Del Sol Medical Center told Fox News it had received 11 patients, 9 of whom were critical but stable condition and 2 who were in stable condition. The patients’ ages ranged from 35 to 82, the hospital said.

Residents were volunteering to give blood to the injured in response to a police tweet that donations were “needed urgently,” while police and military members were trying to help people who were looking for missing loved ones.

“It’s chaos right now,” said Austin Johnson, an Army medic at nearby Fort Bliss, who volunteered to help at the shopping center and later at the school that was serving as a reunification center.

“Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas,” President Trump tweeted. “Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authorities, and Law Enforcement.”

So, what is behind this event?

Well, my first thought upon hearing the news was that it was likely staged by Beto O’Rourke, an El Paso native, in order to boost his poll numbers.

He’s tried everything else, and “20 dead in a mass shooting in my home town! We have to stop ORANGE MAN!” is definitely going to be a good talking point for him. Or at least it’s going to be a talking point for him. Whether it would be good, I don’t know, but he thought bragging about his ancestors owning slaves was a good talking point, so who the hell knows what this freak is thinking.

But I am hearing rumors on the internets that a Nazi is responsible.

CNN has quoted the police chief saying a weird sentence about a “nexus” of hate.


El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen said that 26 people were wounded.

The shooting has a “nexus to a hate crime,” according to Allen. The FBI cautioned that more investigative work is needed to determine whether it was a hate crime.

Allen said the state of Texas will be the lead in prosecution of the suspect and that it is currently looking at potential capital murder charges.

The deceased will remain at the scene while the investigation continues, Allen said.

What the fuck is a nexus?

Okay, just googled it.

This is a nexus:

So I’m guessing a “nexus of hate” probably looks something like this:

But that isn’t really helping me understand this situation.

We’ve got some more details from, the internet’s number one spot for very detailed clickbait, which I support. I also support their brilliant SEO strategy.


El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen said during an evening press conference, “he surrendered to approaching officers.”

He did not reveal what type of gun was used in the attack, but said it was a high-powered weapon capable of causing significant damage in the crowded store. Walmart was especially busy Saturday with a high number of back-to-school shoppers.

“If you’re firing randomly at people, you can cause a lot of damage,” he said.

Wow, this Greg Allen has a brain like a supernova.

Really a brilliant observation to make after a mass shooting.

Asked what can be done to prevent this type of mass catastrophe in the future allegedly committed by “a white man with a manifesto,” Allen said, “That’s for a psychologist to answer.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott also related the mass shooting to mental health.

“The bottom line is mental health is a large contributor to any type of violence or shooting violence,” he said.

Another brilliant observation.

The shooter’s alleged manifesto can be read in full here.

The FBI has confirmed it was his.

Miguel Rodriguez, a witness, told The Daily Beast the gunman, “started shooting everyone, aisle by aisle, with rage.”

Witnesses told CBS 4 News that the suspect possibly stopped shooting because he ran out of ammunition.

Wow, Busch league.

Nah, I mean, 20 is a high score.

As far as the political ramifications of this event – you’re going to see infinity tears about this, but really, these mass shootings happen so often that no one really cares anymore. People just don’t have the emotional reserves to give a fuck every time some dude loses it.

I just hope they don’t use this event to silence right wingers on the internet. Oh wait, that’s right – we’re already as censored as is possible to censor us, so there is literally no possible backlash on that front.

So, I don’t give a shit. Dead Mexicans. Yeah, it’s sad when innocent people die, whatever. Innocent people die all the time. Mexicans kill 20 white people every month, at least. This isn’t meaningful.

I am interested to see how the MAGApedes respond. Boomerwaffen went nuts in support of Brenton Tarrant. I don’t know how they’ll react to this, because Mexicans aren’t as violent as Moslems.

But the ultimate fact of reality is that these events are inevitable, so there isn’t really any point in getting upset about it. I’m against random mass shootings, but given the conditions of white people right now, that we are being told we don’t exist, that we aren’t allowed to have countries, that we have to give everything we own over to invading hordes of savage brown people, there is just no way to prevent this from happening.

I know a lot of people will say this is a false flag staged by the FBI/CIA/etc. Which is fine. It’s obviously possible.

Here’s someone saying there were 3 or 4 shooters (although there is probably some psychological reason people think there are more shooters than there actually are when they’re under fire, it is also not totally impossible this was a staged hoax and there were multiple shooters – I don’t think it’s likely, but it is possible).

It’s certainly weird timing, what with the FBI director having recently given fake statistics about White terrorism. This one shooting nearly doubles the number of dead in the total racist White shootings since Dylann Roof. And it definitely seems like the media and the government want these shootings to happen, so they can build this narrative of White people being terrorists.

But again: it’s also impossible that some people aren’t going to get pissed off and do this for real.

And furthermore, it seems pretty likely Beto staged it.

So, whatever.

The real thing we need to be worried about is a backlash against peaceful Nazis. For the real victims of this crime are not the dead Mexicans, but peaceful Nazis who bigots will try to stigmatize.

We cannot let people politicize this event with hatred.