Matt Gaetz Calls on Fat Slobs Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis to Endorse Donald Trump Immediately

At the Donald Trump rally in Texas on Saturday, Congressman Matt Gaetz – who is one of only four good Congressmen in the whole rotten nation – called on the fat slobs Ted “Bread” Cruz and Ron “Meatball Ron” DeSantis to endorse Donald Trump for president.

Gaetz accurately pointed out the fact that these two villains would not have won their elections without Donald Trump helping them. Now, they are stabbing Trump in the back, planning a coup.

I haven’t watched the full rally yet. I have been too busy trying to climb the ladder in Marvel Snap. However, I’ve heard it’s much better than some of Trump’s recent material. He may be getting back to form.

I did catch the opening few minutes where he talks about how people who died in tornados were his voters and were helping him but now they won’t be helping anymore – “those people were fighting too. No longer with us. Devastating.”

That was kinda funny.

He is definitely older. It’s noticeable.

Here’s the full rally.

I will endorse Trump if Ye isn’t running (and we haven’t heard anything from Ye in quite a while now). There is obviously no way to win an election. The elections are totally rigged. That 2022 election was even goofier in some ways than the 2020 election.

Trump can’t just keep saying the elections are fake because then when they steal the election they can say “well, you told everyone it was fake so they didn’t bother voting.” It’s a conundrum.

However, despite this, there are reasons to support Donald Trump. He’s at least not a totally bought-and-paid-for scumbag like DeSantis. Trump can help steer the nation towards a positive national identity, rather than a negative identity as a country defined by war.

There is virtually no difference between Ron DeSantis and Joe Biden when it comes to the most important policies.

DeSantis, who is very fat, recently made statements to Tucker Carlson saying that the Russia war was pointless. Hours later, he walked that all back, and called for eternal war to protect gay anal child licking in the Donbass.

If nothing else, Donald Trump won’t walk a statement back and say the opposite thing. He’s an actual real person, even if he did try to poison us all with a Jewish bioweapon.

But seriously, the vax thing – he’s denounced the vax now. He wasn’t in office when it was released. DeSantis, who is now claiming Trump is the vax man, was in office and coerced Floridians into taking it. So this is just a scam, having all these DeSantis shills promote Trump as Mr. Vaxxie.

Again, it’s whatever. He’s not going to win anyway.

But the presidential race becomes the platform of discussion for the nation. That’s the thing. Everyone thinks and expresses themselves through the election, and we need Trump to be up there talking extreme rather than DeSantis being fat and flip-flopping and calling for war on everyone.

Ron DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” Bill made it so teachers have to wait until 4th grade to start indoctrinating children into trans. There are no restrictions at all once the kids is in 4th grade. Other red states have much stronger laws protecting kids from trans propaganda, but DeSantis says a 4th grader is ready to get rimmed. Joe Biden of course believes “rimming should begin in preschool.”

And that’s really the sum of the debate in a Biden v. DeSantis race: should children wait until 4th grade to get rimmed, or should we start the rimming in preschool?