Media Shilling “Chinese Persecuting Christians” Hoax After Washington-Backed Pastor Sentenced

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2019

The problem with the “Christians being persecuted for their faith by the evil atheist communist Chinese regime” story that is being sold here is that the Christian churches in China are literally being run by the CIA and various Soros groups.


China on Monday sentenced a prominent pastor who operated outside the Communist Party-recognized Protestant organization to nine years in prison.

The People’s Intermediate Court in the southwestern city of Chengdu said Wang Yi was also convicted of illegal business operations, fined and had his personal assets seized.

Wang had led the Early Rain Covenant Church and was arrested a year ago as part of an ongoing crackdown on all unauthorized religious groups in the country. The government requires that Protestants worship only in churches recognized and regulated by the party-led Three-Self Patriotic Movement.

Even within that framework, the officially atheist ruling party has been seeking to rein in religious expression, including removing crosses from official and unofficial churches.

More widely, the party has demolished places of worship, barred Tibetan children from Buddhist religious studies and incarcerated more than a million members of Islamic ethnic minorities in what are termed “re-education centers.”

Early Rain is believed to have had several hundred members who met in different locations around Chengdu, the sprawling capital of Sichuan province. Many of those were taken from their homes overnight in lightning raids, including Wang’s wife, Jiang Rong, who was later released on bail.

Wang had been critical of party head and state president Xi Jinping and made a point of holding a prayer service on June 4 each year to commemorate the 1989 bloody assault on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square,.

Yeah, see.

You don’t even have to read too deeply into the AP article for the whole “persecuted for their faith” argument to fall apart.

Wang was a political activist, pushing a political agenda. That is what the state took issue with. Not his faith, which is perfectly legal in China.

Just check this guy’s Wikipedia page:

Wang Yi met with President George W. Bush at the White House in 2006, with other Chinese human rights attorneys, to discuss religious freedom in China. He returned to Washington, D.C. in 2008, to attend the Conference for Global Christians in Law and was awarded “Prize for the Contribution to Promoting Religious Freedom.”

In 2008, he founded and started to serve the Chengdu Early Rain Reformed Church(Chinese: 秋雨之福归正教会; pinyin: Qiūyǔ Zhīfú Guīzhèng Jiàohuì) (later renamed as the Early Rain Covenant Church). In October 2011, he was ordained and became the senior pastor of the church. The church now had a membership of about 700 before it was closed down in late 2018.

Wang Yi was one of China’s best-known pastors in the West. He and Early Rain have been profiled in The Atlantic and New York Times, and the subject of a number of journalist and academic works.

How often do you see The Atlantic and The New York Times – the two most Jewish publications in the world – celebrating a Christian pastor?

Well, you only see it when he is a Chinaman, supported by Washington, attempting to undermine Chinese society.

This “communists trying to destroy Christianity” narrative is about the weakest thing on earth. But it probably isn’t as stupid as “right to kill my girlfriend in Taiwan” riots in Hong Kong.

All of these narratives we get fed by the Jewish press are so stupid that it is impossible to rank them in terms of how stupid they are.