Media Struggles to Formulate Narrative Around Latino Shooter

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 15, 2018

UPDATE: ADL Says Shooter is a White Nationalist (nevermind, no)

Not that that makes anything I said below less true.

But the “depressed crazy guy” narrative is now going to magically disappear. And they are going to claim that this was somehow political.

Original article follows. 

Everything that happens must have a political narrative these days. The left knows this better than the right, but the right is learning it from Trump and the Alt-Right – slowly but surely.

This Florida shooting – the biggest school shooting since Sandy Hook – is hard to form a narrative around if you’re a leftist.

Witness the struggle in the Washington Post:

He had been getting treatment at a mental health clinic and then stopped. He was expelled from school for discipline problems. Many of his acquaintances had cut ties in part because of his strange Instagram posts and reports that he liked shooting animals. His father died a few years ago. His mother, reportedly the only person with whom he was close, died around Thanksgiving.

Finally, Nikolas Cruz, 19, had a fascination with guns. He owned an AR-15 assault rifle.

Too few facts are established about the life of Nikolas Cruz to say, with fairness, what might have been done versus what wasn’t done to prevent the mass shooting Wednesday at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

But if everyone who knew something about Cruz had sat down in a room and compared notes about his recent past, perhaps an alarm would have sounded.

“Weird” was the word among students about Nikolas Cruz since middle school. And he seemed since then to be getting only weirder.

At first “it was nothing alarming,” said Dakota Mutchler, who went to middle school with Cruz. There was something “a little off about him,” said the 17-year-old, but that was it — for a while.

Then, as Cruz transitioned into high school, he “started progressively getting a little more weird,” said Mutchler told The Washington Post. Cruz, he said, was selling knives out of a lunchbox, posting on Instagram about guns and killing animals, and eventually “going after one of my friends, threatening her.”

On Wednesday night, Mutchler recalled Cruz as an increasingly frightening figure, being suspended from school repeatedly, before he was expelled last year. “When someone is expelled,” Mutchler told The Washington Post, “you don’t really expect them to come back. But, of course, he came back.”

He came back to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with a vengeance, according to the Broward County sheriff, who identified Cruz, 19, as the gunman who marched through the school with an AR-15 assault rifle, killing 17 people and wounding at least 15 others.

It goes on and on, talking about how he was depressed and loved guns.

The WaPo, along with NYT, set the narrative on these things.

So the only narrative is going to be “ban guns.”

They usually inject some kind of political motive to the shooter, even if there isn’t one. But they’re not doing that here, which presumably means that it will come out that he was left-leaning. If he had simply been apolitical, they would find some way to blame the right-wing.

I Have a Narrative

I could do some bit about race, but I won’t. He is presumably Cuban, so maybe his blood is a little bit muddy, but he’s mostly white.

I think there is a much better narrative in the depression, and the larger issue of personal alienation in modern society. We do not have communities anymore. We have broken messes of atomized individual consumers who exist beside one another.

Most people do not become mass shooters. But we all live in a void of emptiness in our youth, struggling to find a place to belong. Most people do not find this, ever. And people deal with that in different ways. Most engage in some form of medication, whether it be self-medication through alcohol and illegal drugs, or pharmaceutical medication. Those who do not do that immerse themselves in video games, or casual sex if they’re handsome enough.

The most important thing about the Alt-Right, in my opinion, is its ability to provide real community to young men. Which is why I encourage everyone to get active in real life groups (Stormer Book Clubs, specifically I encourage – most of the other ones have problems).

If this kid was from Cuba, that creates another level of alienation. Moreover, he was adopted. It isn’t clear if this was stranger adoption, or adoption by relatives, but stranger adoption is something I’ve written about before and something I have an extreme opposition to. Virtually everyone who is stranger adopted ends up with serious problems, and a huge portion of serial killers and mass shooters are stranger adopted.

Furthermore, on the issue of drugs: my narrative on every mass shooting is that (probably) every mass shooter is on SSRI drugs (like Prozac). At a minimum, it is around 90% of school shooters that are on these drugs, and given that Cruz was being treated for depression, there is almost no question he was on them. These are dangerous experimental drugs which we know for a fact increase pathological and violent behavior in a certain percentage of the people who take them. And yet, the media refuses to ask this question, every time.

It is always reported as an afterthought, when it is “discovered” the shooter was on the drugs. And we are virtually never allowed to make this connection. There are complicated reasons as to why, I would suppose it is mainly because it negates the political gun control narrative if we admit that the actual drive to do these mass casualty events comes from drugs and not the guns themselves. Furthermore, the psychiatric industrial complex is entirely run by Jews, as are the drug manufacturing companies, and there is a lot of money behind not bringing up this question.

But the issue of these drugs ultimately takes us back to the alienation issue – because in what world do you need to prescribe “happy pills” to nearly 20% of the population? It seems to me that such a thing is a crisis, needing to be addressed at the most basic level: what is going on with our society that so many people are incapable of dealing with it?