Mestizo Cannibal Striker Bites Opposing Soccer Player for Third Time at World Cup

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2014

Giorgio Chiellini shows the bite mark from the feral Mestizo soccer player.

The Mestizo soccer player Luis Suárez has been unable to restrain his genetic drive to eat people for the third time now at a soccer game, this time at the Wold Cup. The cannibal just laughed when he was asked about the bite marks on Giorgio Chiellini’s shoulder and said ‘things like that happen all the time.’ Funny how they only seem to happen around him though.

From the Telegraph:

Giorgio Chiellini demanded that Fifa show the “courage” to ban Luis Suárez from the World Cup after becoming the third opponent to be bitten by the controversial Uruguayan striker.

The Italy defender was left with visible teeth marks on his left shoulder after clashing with Suárez in the 79th minute of Uruguay’s 1-0 victory in Natal, a result which confirmed their progression from Group   D and eliminated the Italians.

Fifa immediately opened an investigation into what was one of the most shocking episodes of player behaviour in World Cup history.

With Fifa’s disciplinary code stipulating a maximum suspension of 24 matches or two years for offences of an extreme nature, Suárez could yet find himself being penalised with a record ban for an on-field incident.

After reacting furiously on the pitch following the incident, which went unseen by the Mexican referee Marco Rodríguez, Juventus defender Chiellini branded Suárez a “sneak” who is protected by Fifa because of his high-profile status.

Luis Suárez just grinned and laughed about it when questioned.

Suárez served a 10-game ban in the Premier League in 2013 for biting Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic, having committed the same offence playing for Ajax three years earlier.

“Suárez is a sneak and he gets away with it because Fifa want their stars to play in the World Cup,” Chiellini said. “I would love to see if they have the courage to do anything against him. It was ridiculous not to send Suárez off. It is clear, clear-cut. And then there was the obvious dive afterwards because he knew very well that he did something that he shouldn’t have done.”

Suárez said of the ‘bite’ claims: “These situations happen on the field. I had contact with his shoulder, nothing more, things like that happen all the time.” He added of possible action by the game’s governing body: “I don’t know anything, if Fifa analyse each case separately it’s going to be complicated.”

Despite photographic evidence supporting Chiellini’s claim to have been bitten, the centre-half was accused of “crying” by Uruguay’s injured captain Diego Lugano.

Jim Boyce, the Fifa vice-president and chairman of the referees’ committee, hinted at a lengthier suspension by insisting that the governing body should “take whatever action necessary” if Suárez is found to have bitten Chiellini. “I have watched the incident several times on television,” Boyce said.

This is the third time he has tried to eat the opposing team and the internet is full of pictures referencing his behavior.

“There is no doubt Luis Suárez is a fantastic footballer but, once again, his actions have left him open to severe criticism. Fifa must investigate the incident seriously and take whatever disciplinary action deemed necessary.”

Meanwhile, Michel D’Hooghe, a Fifa executive committee member, said: “It is very, very sad for everybody who loves football.”

Suárez, who was suspended for seven games by the Dutch Football Association for biting PSV Eindhoven’s Otman Bakkal while playing for Ajax in November 2010, grinned as he walked through the post-match interview area when asked repeatedly whether he had bitten Chiellini.

Despite the shocking nature of the incident, Suárez was defended by the Uruguay coach Óscar Tabárez, who accused the media of pursuing the player in an attempt to report on his mistakes. “There seems there is animosity against this football player,” Tabárez said. “He just came out of a difficult moment and he has been penalised, but there are people hiding behind the tree waiting for something to happen.

“Suárez is a preferred target of certain media. I’d like to see the images. I didn’t see it. And if it happened, the referee probably didn’t see it.

“Suárez is an important person. He’s an important person within the group and I can already say if he’s attacking as you’ve already started to do we will see how to defend him because this is a football World Cup, it is not about cheap morality.”

The Italy manager, Cesare Prandelli, who announced his resignation following his team’s defeat, supported Chiellini’s claims by admitting he had seen the injury to the defender’s shoulder. “I didn’t see the images of Suárez but I did see the bite marks in Chiellini’s shoulder,” Prandelli said. “It is a shame, a real shame. The assistants of the referee were so busy, they didn’t see anything.”