Mexico Nightclub Massacre: 14 Dead, 7 Injured After Gang Arrives in Convoy of Trucks and Open Fires

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2019

GUISE! This is just like that movie!

Daily Mail:

As many as 14 people are dead and seven injured after an a gang opened fire on a nightclub in Mexico, reports say.

Just after midnight last night a group of armed men reportedly arrived in a convey of trucks and entered the ‘La Playa’ club in the municipality of Salamanca.

Within a short time, they had begun spraying bullets on the revelers and staff, killing 14 people according to local reports.

Around seven others are thought to be injured.

The motive for the massacre remains unclear.

The diverse-skinned live in a non-stop action movie…


…except that they’re all short and fat unglamorous devil creatures waiting for their turn to sneak into America.

Also, dying in a shootout is one of the best deaths Mexicans can aspire to. The country is known for their modern-day Aztec sacrifices and blowing kids up with dynamite.

Next time you hear people defending “open borders” ask them what do Americans gain by letting these brown devils in.

Needing more people is not an argument.

We have women, we can make lots of new people.

We also have unemployed people, who could be trained and integrated into the workforce. We also have jobs that are about to disappear due to automation and new technologies, and we should start thinking about what we’re going to do for the millions of people that may soon lose their jobs.

I know a guy with an idea about that.