Michigan: Three Nogs Broke Into Several Homes in Pretty and Expensive Neighborhood

Daily Stormer
January 24, 2018

Geraldine Hudgson, Julio Torres-Anglero, Julio Nater.

This is American Brazilism. You’ve got this nice white neighborhood surrounded by brown sludge, and the sludge seeps in.

Detroit News:

Ann Arbor police have arrested two men and one woman from Houston accused of taking part in at least two home invasions, including one on Friday, where police said the suspects were spotted in the act.

Ann Arbor detectives were watching Friday evening at about 6:30 p.m. as the two male suspects, Julio Alberto Torres-Anglero, 37, and Julio Cesar Nater, 38, left a home on the 2000 block of Lakehurst Lane, which is south of Dhu Varren and west of Nixon Road.

After being dropped off there, police say, by the female suspect, Geraldine Ines Hudgson, 20, the men entered the home by smashing a back window. Authorities said the men were picked up by Hudgson, who drove the trio to a Red Roof Inn on Plymouth Road, less than two miles away from the invaded home. Police saw the whole thing, and arrested all three without incident at the hotel.

Police have linked the trio to the break-in on Lakehurt Lane and at least one other home invasion in Ann Arbor, but say that others are possible in other communities in Southeast Michigan. The trio is accused of primarily taking cash and jewelry said Lt. Matthew Lige, an Ann Arbor police spokesman.