Middle-Aged Silverback Charged with Murdering His Negrophiliac Wife

Mario Turner.

“We want people to know this is preventable.”

Oh, this is preventable all right – by not bedding down with beasts of the field.

Unfortunately, that’s asking a bit too much from the common THOT.


A 51-year-old man has been arrested and charged in the shooting death of a 49-year-old woman from the Town of Tonawanda.

Prosecutors say Mario Turner has been arrested for criminally negligent homicide and criminal possession of a weapon.

Police say he shot his 49-year-old wife Renee Taschetta. She was found dead at 59 Dumas Place in Tonawanda Tuesday night.

He is due back in court Monday.

Erie County District Attorney John Flynn says police had been called to the home multiple times for domestic violence related issues.

Mary Murphy with the Family Justice Center says these deaths are preventable, and help is out there.

“It devastates us, it horrifies us,” she said of Taschetta’s death. “We want people to know this is preventable.”

Renee Taschetta.