Midterm Elections Resulted in Full Cuck Death

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2018

In retrospect, it probably wasn’t realistic to expect to keep the House. The reason it wasn’t realistic is because cucks still existed. There were those who refused the embrace of Trump.

The Leader named and shamed these cucks after they lost.

The result of this election is cuck death.

There is no more viable cuck platform. You cannot win as a GOP cuck. That era has ended, forever.

And that was worth losing the House over. It’s a bigger win than the House ever could have been.

The Hill:

Tuesday’s blue wave in the House is set to leave behind a GOP conference that is far more conservative — and more loyal to President Trump.

I can’t believe they are saying “blue wave.”

This was a blue splash in the kiddie pool by a baby with Down Syndrome.

But I digress.

This is a celebratory article.

A large chunk of centrist Republicans were either wiped out at the polls on Tuesday or are planning to retire at the end of this Congress, while the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus is actually expected to expand its ranks next year.

That means that when Republicans assume their new role in the minority, the GOP will largely be unified as they rally against the Democratic agenda and defend Trump from an onslaught of investigations and hearings.

We’re gonna have a lot of House members Grahamified,” said an aide to a conservative lawmaker, referring to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). “He was decidedly anti-Trump, but then Democrats crossed the threshold of what was responsible and reasonable.”

We are entering an era of FULL GRAHAMIFICATION.

There is no going back.

Now, Graham is one of Trump’s top allies on Capitol Hill.

“You’re going to see the Graham effect,” the aide predicted.

House Democrats seized back control of the House on Tuesday by flipping a large number of seats held by moderate Republicans, including Mike Coffman of Colorado, Leonard Lance of New Jersey and Carlos Curbelo of Florida.


All the Democrats did in this election was destroy the ENEMIES OF TRUMP!


It’s over faggots.

And the GOP’s most prominent and outspoken centrist voices — including Reps. Ryan Costello (Pa.) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.) and former Rep. Charlie Dent (Pa.) — decided to head for the exits instead of face tough reelection battles in their swing districts.

The Republican herd has been culled. And the culling was the more moderate members,” said the GOP aide. “The center of gravity in the conference has moved to the right.”

You must understand: this is better than winning the House.

We have crushed the enemies within. Now, we can move to crush the enemies without.

Then, and only then, will we ally with Russia to destroy the French.

Meanwhile, a new crop of conservatives won election, including Chip Roy, whom Politico once described as the “next Sen. Ted Cruz” (R-Texas); Denver Riggleman, a Trump-endorsed businessman in Virginia; Mark Green, who ran on a small government platform in Tennessee; and Ron Wright, who will replace retiring Freedom Caucus member Joe Barton (R-Texas).

The Freedom Caucus, a band of roughly 30 hard-liners, lost two of its members Tuesday, but is still expecting to net upwards of five members in the new Congress.

And with a slimmer caucus, that means the group — which has torpedoed GOP-backed bills to get what they want — will make up a larger percentage of the overall conference.

But, as a source close to the caucus pointed out, all Republicans will end up using similar obstructionist tactics once they are no longer in power.

“Everybody acts like the Freedom Caucus when you’re in the minority,” the source said.



Democrats will also be under immense pressure from the liberal base to launch impeachment proceedings against Trump, though party leaders have kept the idea at arm’s length.

Still, if Democrats are seen as overstepping their bounds with their newfound subpoena powers, some Capitol Hill sources predicted that Republicans — even those who have not publicly embraced the president very tightly — may unite in their defense of Trump.

“Democrats are going to jump the shark. Everyone knows that they’re gonna go overboard,” the aide to the conservative lawmaker said. If so, the aide said it may surprise the public to see which lawmakers come out to back the president.

And with the loss of so many outspoken moderates, there will be less voices in the party willing to challenge the president.

Trump, who has repeatedly attacked lawmakers who challenge him, seemed to relish in the fact that some of his Republican critics lost their reelection bids.

“You had some that decided to, let’s stay away, let’s stay away. They did very poorly,” Trump said at a press conference at the White House. “I’m not sure that I should be happy or sad, but I feel just fine about it.”

That is the bottom line.

We won this election.

It was in fact the biggest win of all – a completion of the full hostile takeover of the GOP.

Trump is in control now.

And Trumpism will reign for a thousand years.