“Migrants” to Take Over the Healthcare Work Force After Invading, Experts Say

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2018

Doctors are coming.

There’s no difference between white migrants and brown or nigger migrants, goy. It’s just migration. One race, the human race.

NBC News:

People who oppose immigration often argue that migrants bring disease with them, and that they then become a burden to health systems in their new countries because they’re so sick.

But that’s not true, a team of experts argued in a new report released Wednesday.

In fact, they point out that immigrants make up a significant portion of the healthcare work forces in their new homelands.

The invading army of doctors takes over the healthcare system, and that’s a good thing because white people don’t really want to be doctors. As we all know, migrants do the jobs white people don’t want to do. If we don’t take in migrants, there’ll be no doctors in hospitals, no nurses, no nothing. People would die. This is serious.

“There is no evidence to show that migrants are spreading disease,” said Dr. Paul Spiegel, who directs the Center for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. “That is a false argument that is used to keep migrants out,” Spiegel told NBC News.

Dr. Paul Spiegel.

We don’t need an argument to keep migrants out other than “we don’t want them.”

“Contrary to the current political narrative portraying migrants as disease carriers who are a blight on society, migrants are an essential part of economic stability in the U.S.,” added Terry McGovern, who heads Columbia University’s Department of Population and Family Health.

Terry McGovern.

Taking in hundreds of thousands of unqualified dumb brown creatures that have no money, no knowledge, and no potential, and which are going to be living off of American’s taxes is an essential part of the economic stability in the US because if we weren’t taking money from American workers and giving it to these brave dreamers, nobody would buy stupid shit and companies would go bankrupt.

We have to give them Americans’ money so they buy the things Americans don’t want to buy.

And pay $30 to watch the capeshits Americans don’t want to watch.

This would also let them have the babies Americans don’t want to have, which would prevent the American people from disappearing. I mean, they would disappear, but the New Americans wouldn’t.

Group of New Americans.

“In too many countries, the issue of migration is used to divide societies and advance a populist agenda,” said Lancet editor Richard Horton.

You know what divides society? Being invaded by another society.

“With one billion people on the move today, growing populations in many regions of the world, and the rising aspirations of a new generation of young people, migration is not going away. Migrants commonly contribute more to the economy than they cost, and how we shape their health and well-being today will impact our societies for generations to come.”

Israel’s border walls disagree with that statement.

About a quarter of the one billion migrants are moving from one country to another. The rest are moving internally, the report found.

The two-year study found that international migrants are less likely than people in their host countries to die of heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and other ills. The exceptions are hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV. But the study also found these infections are generally only spread within the affected immigrant communities and not to the wider population.

Conditions in refugee camps and detention centers can lead to undervaccination and the spread of infectious disease, Spiegel noted. “It’s not migrants or migration itself that is spreading disease. It may be the situations that they are in and the lack of access to basic care that may exacerbate the situation,” he said.

It’s not migrants themselves who are murdering, stealing, and raping. It may be the situations that they are in and the lack of access to our gibs that pushes them to do it.

As for fears that immigrants will outbreed their hosts, the study found that, in six European countries, fertility rates among migrant women were lower than among native-born residents.

What kind of “migrant women”? Where are they from? What’s the color of their skin?

We don’t have to be hosts if we don’t want to, and we don’t want to.

And several reports have found that immigrants make up a substantial portion of the healthcare workforce, including in the United States. A report published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 16 percent of healthcare workers in the U.S. were born somewhere else, including 29 percent of physicians, 16 percent of registered, nurses 20 percent of pharmacists, 24 percent of dentists and 23 percent of nursing, psychiatric and home health aides.

In Britain, 37 percent of doctors were educated in another country. “Rather than being a burden, migrants are more likely to bolster services by providing medical care, teaching children, caring for older people, and supporting understaffed services,” the Lancet, which sponsored the report with University College London, said in a statement.

Oh, yes. These uninvited guests come to help us, they’re good for us.

Nonetheless, migrants are often mistreated because of unfounded fears, the report found.

If someone is in your house against your will, you have every right to mistreat them. Are you supposed to smile while they steal your family’s wealth just because they’re doctors or whatever? Fuck migrant professionals. I want American professionals. I want our people working in our countries. I don’t care how good of a surgeon these invaders are. I don’t care if they’re qualified to work in the NASA.

I want our people in our countries and our families in our houses. These are our homes.

“The separation of migrant children from their parents creates long term psychological damage — and is a cruel and unnecessary aspect of U.S. policy,” Columbia’s McGovern said. “The criminalization and detention of migrants seeking internationally protected refuge violates international law, and puts them at greater risk of ill health.”

If the argument is “separating children from their parents creates long term psychological damage and therefore shouldn’t be done,” then why is it only used when discussing border integrity? What if mothers or fathers commit other crimes and have to go to jail and be separated from their kids? Do they get a pass to avoid this “long term psychological damage”?

It makes better sense for host countries to take care of immigrants and asylum seekers, Spiegel said.

It makes better sense to not be a “host country”. Avoids all these problems.

Migration is occurring and will be occurring no matter what,” he said.

Is that a threat? “No matter what”?

Is he threatening to violate the will of the people and favor invaders?

Racism and prejudice should be confronted with a zero tolerance approach,” the report recommends. “Public leaders and elected officials have a political, social, and legal responsibility to oppose xenophobia and racism that fuels prejudice and exclusion of migrant populations.”

Why? What do we gain from not being racists and xenophobes? “Orange man make brown child cry, orange man bad,” yeah, we get it. But that doesn’t answer the question.

Keep in mind, you can offer us whatever. We can say “no, thanks.”

In fact… we already have.