Mongrel Black Grandchildren Murder White Step-Grandfather Who Raised Them

Click 2 Houston
May 23, 2014

Jimmy Boyd married again and allowed his new wife’s mongrel grandchildren to live with them too. They repaid his misguided altruism by murdering him and dumping his body in the retention pond.

Six days before investigators discovered a body in retention pond near DeSoto and T.C. Jester in north Houston, Jimmy Boyd was reported missing by his sister who contacted authorities after she suspected foul play.

“He was a laid-back gentleman. He would give you the shirt off his back,” said longtime friend, David Reed.

Friends say Boyd, 60, had been having marital problems and was estranged from his wife. They say he went missing the day he was supposed to transfer the deed to their home over to his sister.

“When I dropped him off Tuesday, he said if anything happens to me, they did it,” Reed said.

The people Reed is referring to are 19-year-old CIerra Jacobs, 17-year-old Carino Ratcliff and Jacobs’ boyfriend, 20-year-old Juan Lopez.

Jacobs and Ratcliff are Boyd’s step-grandchildren, who family members say he helped raise. The trio is now charged in his death.

The suspect allegedly tried to poison Boyd weeks ago.

“That Juan guy and Jimmy had been having confrontations and he had told Jimmy I’m going to make you disappear,” Reed said.

Carino Ratcliff, Juan Lopez and CIerra Jacobs. Crimes against nature are naturally disposed to commit crime.

Investigators say the accused killers even put up missing person posters for Boyd before the case turned into a murder investigation. Just before 6:30 p.m. Tuesday night, relatives say authorities recovered Boyd’s body.

“I want justice. Those involved need to pay for it,” Reed said.

Prosecutors say Lopez admitted he and Boyd got into an argument when Lopez punched him, knocking him unconscious. They say Lopez and Ratcliff rolled up Boyd’s body in a tarp and put it in a a bayou culvert.

Investigators say robbery appears to be the motive after the suspects pawned several stolen items.

All three are facing capital murder charges and are being held at the Harris County Jail without bond.

An autopsy is being conducted to determine the cause of Boyd’s death.

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