Moslem Killer in Germany: “I Killed Him Because He was an Unbeliever”

Daily Stormer
March 19, 2016


You’d best start believing in race wars.

You’re in one.


Masked officers in protective clothing and a defendant bound hand and feet. The Arnsberg Regional Court played safe on Thursday in the trial of a 27-year-old. The man is accused of murder. He is considered dangerous and unpredictable. Last September he is said to have brutally beaten a 56-year-old and attacked and injured officers when held in custody. Investigators had not found any motive.

When the trial started, the accused surprised everyone. As although he had not previously spoken about the charges against him, prior to the charges being read, he broke his stubborn silence: “I admit everything. We don’t need to speak any more,” he said while the judge actually wanted to ask him about his personal details. After the charges were read, the German-Moroccan born in Iserlohn in the Sauerland repeated his confession and added: “I killed him because he was an unbeliever.”

That also surprised state prosecutor Klaus Neulken. “I didn’t expect that,” said the prosecutor. It is still completely unclear how the confession is to be evaluated. As no links to an Islamist background or contacts in this scene were discovered in the investigation.

The accused is said to have initially attacked the victim with a knife and then beaten him with a blunt object. In the process, the face of the 56-year-old was driven several centimetres into the ground, it was revealed in court.

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.