Most Interesting G7 Event: Melania Makes Eyes at Justin Trudeau

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2019

Nothing interesting at all happened at the entire G7, other than this:

I don’t know what is going on between Melania and the King of Israel, but it seems to me that this had to have been on purpose, and it probably was not done because she is interested in Justin. Probably, it was done to upset the old king.

I don’t know why she should want to do that, but I would hope it was related to the fact that her husband Donald Trump recently went from being the President of America to becoming the King of Israel.

But who knows – maybe she was just jealous of the other women that Trump had been kissing.

Surely, we will never know the truth of this matter.

The fact that this tabloid nonsense was the only interesting thing that happened at G7 tells you where that particular organization is as far as making waves on the planet. It is entirely pointless.

All of these leaders are on board with a singular globalist agenda which is arranged by their entire government 365 days a year. They have nothing to talk about in real life.

Surely, Trump is not on board with the agenda, but his entire government is engaged with these other governments 365 days a year.

All this event is is a decadent photo-op, and Trump would do well to simply stop going.

He can easily pull out next year, citing the fact that Justin Trudeau is trying to seduce his wife. No one can really take issue with that reasoning.