Most Vaccinated Place on Earth Cancels Christmas

The vaccine does not work.

They are admitting the vaccine doesn’t work.

They are still trying to force you to take it.


Amid a surge in Covid-19 cases, Gibraltar has canceled official Christmas events and “strongly” discouraged people from hosting private gatherings for four weeks. Gibraltar’s entire eligible population is vaccinated.

The government of Gibraltar recently announced that “official Christmas parties, official receptions and similar gatherings” have been canceled, and advised the public to avoid social events and parties for the next four weeks. Outdoor spaces are recommended over indoor ones, touching and hugging is discouraged, and mask wearing is advised.

“The drastic increase in the numbers of people testing positive for Covid-19 in recent days is a stark reminder that the virus is still very prevalent in our community and that it is the responsibility of us all to take every reasonable precaution to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” Health Minister Samantha Sacramento said.

Gibraltar, a tiny British Overseas Territory sharing a land border with Spain, has seen an average of 56 Covid-19 cases per day over the last seven days, up from fewer than 10 per day in September. The rise in cases, described by the government as “exponential,” comes despite Gibraltar having the highest vaccination rate in the world.

More than 118% of Gibraltar’s population are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, with this figure stretching beyond 100% due to doses given to Spaniards who cross the border to work or visit the territory every day. Gibraltar’s entire adult population has been fully vaccinated since March, and masks are still required in shops and on public transport.

In Singapore, where 94% of the eligible population have been inoculated, cases and deaths soared to record highs at the end of October, and have since subsided slightly. In Ireland, where around 92% of the adult population is fully vaccinated, cases of Covid-19 and deaths from the virus have roughly doubled since August.

Yes, obviously, as I predicted, the vaccine is increasing “virus deaths.” The deaths are from the vaccine!

How stupid!

How stupid are these people!

It’s unbelievable!

From the reality perspective: As far as I am able to tell from where I am, these people expected 85-95% of the population across the planet to submit to this vax, at which point they could then announce that it didn’t do anything – because blah, blah, blah. No variant – whatever.

That is actually what I said was going to happen. There is no way they are ever going to end this, so it was obvious when they came out with the vax that they were going to invent some explanation as to why it didn’t work.

The problem now is that in some countries – including America – nearly half the population is still refusing this deadly poison. So, the media has to come out with gibberish like “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and claim that only the unvaccinated are getting this alleged virus. They are saying that even while anyone can open the internet and see that in countries with overwhelming vax rates, this hoax “pandemic” is continuing – or even getting worse.

It is all just totally ridiculous. Nothing about this is serious.