Mother of OSU Terrorist at Funeral: “I Love You My Son. I Know They Kill You for No Reason.”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 2, 2016


So, they buried the terrorist.

His mother is saying he did nothing wrong.

Columbus Dispatch:

An 18-year-old who was shot and killed by an Ohio State University campus police officer, after he rammed a car into a crowd then stabbed several people, was buried Thursday afternoon.

Abdul Razak Ali Artan’s body was washed, wrapped in white cloth and prayed over as part of an hour-long funeral service that included dozens of people at the Masjid Ibnu Taymiyah and Islamic Center on Mock Road on the North Side.

His mother kissed her son for the last time as his body was prepared for burial.

“She was crying, and said, ‘I love you my son. I know they kill you for no reason,'” said Ahmed Sh. Ahmed, director of the mosque.

Witnesses to Monday’s attack, however, said the car that Artan drove targeted the crowd of students and faculty standing outside Watts Hall that morning. And when people rushed to help after the crash, he jumped from the car with a knife and began slashing people. Officer Alan Horujko shot and killed him within minutes.


Federal authorities say they believe Artan was inspired by American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a leader of al-Qaida in Yemen who was killed by an American drone strike.

At least 11 people were injured in Monday’s attack. Federal and local authorities continue to investigate what made the Somali refugee do what he did. ISIS has claimed Artan was acting as one of the terrorist group’s “soldiers.” Everyone who was injured will survive, authorities say.

Ahmed at the mosque said family members of Artan’s are still shocked over his death. They say he was a nice young man, an A student who completed his studies at Columbus State Community College in a year and a half, before starting classes at Ohio State University as a logistics-management major this fall.

“He had a dream to be someone to help his community and serve his community,” Ahmed said. “That’s what they told me.”

Artan worked at the Home Depot on West Broad Street, a few miles from his home in western Franklin County. He was an hourly associate who worked there less than a year. A customer recalled seeing him about a month ago: “He was in the appliances section whistling and seeming very happy, very engaged in his work. Very polite.”

His brother loaned him his Honda Civic — the car used in the attack — to travel between school and work.

Early Monday morning, Artan took his little sister to school. He purchased a knife at Walmart at some point, though it’s unclear whether it’s the same one he used in the attack. Family members have said they didn’t notice a change in Artan’s behavior leading up to the attack. His mother believes he was innocent and awaits the conclusion of investigators, Ahmed said.


I called that – bought the knife on the day. I said that Somalians are so stupid, there is no way he could have planned this more than a few hours in advance.

These people can have a whim to murder random people the same way you or I could have a whim to go see a movie in the theater in the afternoon. Usually, you won’t do that, just like they won’t usually kill random people, but any day you could end up with an afternoon off and say “hey – I think I’ll drop by the AMC and see what’s playing.”

This mother though – this is interesting.

See, she doesn’t care about objective facts. She doesn’t care about universal morality. “Did he do it?” is not a question that is entering her mind.

She cares about her own people vs. the other. In some way, you could say this is respectable, and something that probably white people should begin emulating. But clearly – or at least, you would think it was clear – you don’t want to import tens of thousands of people into your country who view you as a racial enemy that should be annihilated.