It’s Finally Over: Mueller Report Filed After 22 Months of Investigation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2019


New York Times:

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has delivered a report on his inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election to Attorney General William P. Barr, according to the Justice Department, bringing to a close an investigation that has consumed the nation and cast a shadow over President Trump for nearly two years.

Mr. Barr told congressional leaders in a letter late Friday that he may brief them within days on the special counsel’s findings. “I may be in a position to advise you of the special counsel’s principal conclusions as soon as this weekend,” he wrote in a letter to the leadership of the House and Senate Judiciary committees.

It is up to Mr. Barr how much of the report to share with Congress and, by extension, the American public. The House voted unanimously in March on a nonbinding resolution to make public the report’s findings, an indication of the deep support within both parties to air whatever evidence prosecutors uncovered.

Mr. Barr wrote that he “remained committed to as much transparency as possible and I will keep you informed as to the status of my review.” He also said that Justice Department officials never had to check Mr. Mueller because he proposed an inappropriate or unwarranted investigative step — an action that Mr. Barr would have been required to report to Congress under the regulations. His statement suggests that Mr. Mueller’s inquiry proceeded without political interference.

They had to finish it because the author of the pissgate admitted to Congress that he copied it all from a random blog.

They really rode this hard. They destroyed Trump with it.

Now they’re going to turn over all of this to the Southern District of New York and start trying to prosecute Trump for business practices before he was president.

The media will keep saying this and that about Russia, but they’ll pivot into nonstop coverage of his businesses and whatever other sort of things.

Even though Trump is the savior of the Jew race, the Jew race won’t save him.